Merrily We Go Along
October 30, 2013
As I believe the youth of today say, 'Don't have a cow'. "Concrete Jungle" by Charles Stross ♦♦♦♦◊
I'm sure I've said it before a few times and I think it all the time: If I wait until something is finished, I'll never write a blog post!

In mid September I started an informal CAL (Crochet-ALong) for these
Stripy Mitts, because they caught the imagination of my Yarn People on G+. I finished one mitt and have all but the buttonhole band done on the second one, but I lost interest. Both mitts are languishing in the basket next to my comfy-chair-nest.

Aren't those buttons just the cutest thing? I love them muchly, but they are also part of the reason the second mitt isn't finished. Though I purchased FOURTEEN buttons in the size specified in the pattern, they are not big enough to keep the mitts from popping open during wear. This means that I'll have to sew the buttonhole band to the button band at least partway.
This seems to defeat the purpose of sewing seven buttons onto one mitt, you know?
Heh. I just realized what Ima-gonna do. I'll send them, as is and with the pattern and yarn and buttons, to whoever wants to finish them. Leave a comment.

Then there's the
Lonely Yarn Club Mystery. The concept, as I understood it, was to use up a couple of the orphan skeins of yarn that many of us seem to be housing. I actually have a whole bag of the blue - I think I was going to do a sweater and then overdye it, because this sure isn't a colour I'd wear on purpose - and the grey/brown has flecks of that very same blue in it. Meant to be, right?

I'm sure you're not surprised that the KAL for this project is over. And you're not surprised that I'm not finished.
I'm actually quite a bit farther along than this, but 'tis the season and I'm flitting between projects like a pinball.
And in fabric news...

My fabric focus is on these puppies. Two blocks a month for 10 months (I hope). These blocks are from
our quilt guild, finish to 9", and are "due" at the December meeting. By "due" I mean there will be a mass show-and-tell. I'd really love to be part of that and not the self-deprecating funny girl saying, "Don't I get points for most number of lost blocks?"
I have found a clever (and forgiving) setting idea
here, and I've already got the backing, the setting fabric and at least the inner border fabric chosen and purchased. I might have the outer border fabric, too, but I haven't measured what I bought against what I calculated I need.
Not surprisingly there are more projects-in-the-works to share (and something I actually finished!). Another day, another day...
Labels: knitting, quilting

At 10/31/2013 7:51 PM, Heather Babbled Back:
I can get stopped on projects for the silliest of reasons. One pair of socks sat for two years and that I needed to do was graft the toes.
Love the setting for the quilt blocks. Have book marked it and am going to give it a try. Thanks.
At 11/14/2013 12:16 PM, Mary Ann Babbled Back:
I love the hand warmers. I have made a lot of them but none with buttons. I also have a solution to your problem--smaller button holes? Maybe? Not sure. :( I don't want to think about my UFOs, just being very diligent about not starting any new projects-Christmas presents and UFOs are all that I am allowing myself until Dec 31. We'll see how I do.
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