Fair Play
September 06, 2010
What I need now, he thought, is a drink. "Trouble in Paradise" by Robert B. Parker ♦♦♦♦◊
Sometimes it's difficult to convince myself that I have anything new to say to you, dear Blog Reader. Now, it's not that I want to break new ground every day or to be clever or thought-provoking or funny, but I don't want to bore you with repetition.
Because, uh, I have a terrible memory and I tend to forget what I've already said.
Of course, I can wander back through my blog and check to see if I've shared
Tracy's Greatest Hits, Rant #121: What's The Big Deal About Facebook? (I haven't shared this), but that doesn't address the people that I actually
talk to or communicate with in other ways.
The point is that I'm sitting here writing a blog post that's not News to many of you. But if you are one of the people who has had an 'in real life' conversation with me, you already expect that I'll be repeating myself - so I won't disappoint you!!

Okay, here it is - the ribbon that has garnered me the (hopefully) loving title of "Domestic Arts Diva".
Yes, ladies and germs, Yours Truly received the Cowlitz County Fair's Domestic Arts Grand Champion honors. Mr. W. nearly hurt himself stifling his laughter when he found out (he found the quilt & ribbons before I did when we went to the fair). His first comment? "Domestic Arts? They've obviously never seen our kitchen floor."

He went on to (ever-so-gently) admit that if they were to take the "S" off of "Art", he'd go with that. Apparently he's okay with the Grand Champion moniker if it's just related to my quilting...
And I do have to admit.
June Cleaver I'm not. Heck, sometimes I'm lucky to get to the same level as
Peggy Bundy.

But I do enjoy my quilting. And though it's not that often that I have a new Finished Object to show you, I have been practicing for years and years so I'm pretty comfortable with my skills.
(Go ahead and click to biggify, no,
Oh, and what is the prize at the fair for being chosen Grand Champion? A cool ribbon. A check for $3. And bragging rights. I'll take it.

Does this ribbon clash with my sweater?
Labels: babble, quilting

At 9/09/2010 2:12 AM, Barb Babbled Back:
Well congrats on your ribbon...wear it proudly.
You quilt is just wonderful...you should be proud. I have to admit, quilting is more fun than cleaning....I have gotten worse about my cleaning over the years myself.
At 9/09/2010 5:12 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
You Go Girl Friend!!! Congrats on the win!! I recommend laminating that ribbon if you plan on wearing it all the time LOL. The quilt is gorgeous and you certainly deserved the Grand Champion Arts portion of the ribbon.
Hey, why is it when I worked 70-80 hours a week my house was always cleaned on the weekends and now that I work 20 hours a week it's a disaster around here most of the time?
At 9/09/2010 7:21 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
Oooh! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Good for you!
At 9/09/2010 12:51 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Your hubby is so funny. You definitely deserve the ribbon. Great job!Grand Champion!
At 9/09/2010 7:27 PM, Linda Babbled Back:
Congrats...the quilt is gorgeous. I've liked this quilt from the first time I saw it on your blog. Great job. The ribbon looks great on you too. Wear it proudly, you, diva, you!
At 9/12/2010 10:35 AM, Otter Babbled Back:
Hey, way cool, girl!!! And it said Arts....not drudgery!
At 9/22/2010 4:53 PM, Babbled Back:
So whats wrong with Peggy Bundy anyway????? LMAO! Congratulations on your ribbon, your quilt is amazing and you deserved that ribbon and the cheque, seriously though, for $3?? Beautiful quilting, beautiful applique and beautiful fabric choices - go girl!
Oh and do me a favour, pretty please, post the facebook rant, sounds wonderful, I think the exact thing as you expressed LOL!
At 10/19/2010 8:50 AM, Babbled Back:
I bet it's a laugh a minute in your house with the battle of the wittiness!
Your quilt is GORGEOUS!
I say you wear that ribbon every time you do domestic diva work, just so you get more appreciation. Dusting, washing clothes, grocery shopping. The diva work is not always glorious...but that ribbon is!
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