Slow and Steady Wins the Race
August 21, 2010
Back into the perpetual darkness. "The English Assassin" by Daniel Silva ♦♦♦◊◊
Slow and steady wins the race - I've heard it and said it for most of my life. But I have NO clue what it really means. Is it like the tortoise and the hare thing?
I chose the title because I've realized: I must sew slower than anyone on the planet. Because, although there were some challenges and I did take some breaks, in my mind it shouldn't have taken me until 12:45 a.m. to finish this quilt top.
Is it because I pin everything? There were a lot of points to match... does that take a long time? I was strong and did NOT un-sew blocks that were extra-challenging, I just added an accent strip and moved on.

Well, whatever, here's the finished top - Paisley Duck Third Saturday Sampler in Annabelle colorway. In a little over an hour the quilters who've been participating in the mystery BOM at the shop for the last 9 months willl finally get to see how the blocks they've been making fit together.

..aaaand here's a closeup because I think the colors washed out in the full quilt photo.
That's all, folks! I haven't even had my first sip of coffee this morning yet, so I'm off to prepare face the rest of the day!
Labels: quilting

At 8/21/2010 8:58 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
You did a super fantastic job on this quilt!! You deserve a raise :0)
At 8/24/2010 9:10 PM, Linda Babbled Back:
I likes it, I likes it
ALOT! Very cute.
At 10/21/2010 5:34 AM, Bunny Babbled Back:
Your quilt is just gorgeous, is there a pattern for this one I love the tulips and would like to maybe try this one. Congratulations on your well deserved ribbon. Beautiful
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