It's 106 miles to Chicago...
August 20, 2010
But the only thing behind me was the cake plate, sitting on the bottom step. "Plum Lovin'" by Janet Evanovich ♦♦♦♦◊
Pat yourself on the back if you automatically said or thought the next part of the quote from the title!
Okay, can I write a quick post? Historically the answer has been "no". So here goes:
It's time again to join in another Friday Night Sew-In, hosted by Heidi -

I have an 8:00 a.m. Saturday deadline to put these bits together into a small quilt.
All blocks from a 9-month mystery project at my LQS, these babies need to be sewn together (see the little map peeking out from underneath?) in time to show off at our 9:00 get-together tomorrow morning.
As usual, there will be challenges. First and foremost is that not all of the blocks were sewn by the same person or on the same sewing machine. Hence the extra bolts of fabric - to make little 'accent' strips if necessary to make everything fit together!!
Okay. Time to clean off the design wall and commence ta' sewing!
Labels: quilting

At 8/20/2010 2:57 PM, Crispy Babbled Back:
I hate swap blocks for just that reason, regardless of machine or skill level, it is possible to make a correct size block....ok off my soap box. It will be fun to see what you end up making :0)
At 8/23/2010 12:28 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Well, even though you had some problems the quilt turned out great. I have dealt with some of those same problems when I have done swaps.
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