Define "Progress".
August 20, 2010
Abandoned book "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire ♦◊◊◊◊

Here's Layout 1, according to The Map.
I'm thinking that the designer didn't realize that the same block was given in two different months. I'd guess that originally one was a more complicated block that was simplified for some reason.

And here's what I've decided on as the final layout. Just one block was moved, from the right side to the left side to break up the clump of blue.
BTW, when the blocks are sewn together the top should be around 40x44 before borders.

Okay, here I go... sew one seam and then -
POW the first challenge is upon me.
Blocks not the same size. One block has all kinds of extra fabric (aka 'bunny ears' or 'dog ears') sticking out.
Can I "make" it fit?

I don't think so.
filler accent strip #1.

Okay, two of the four blocks needed some
help, but the first section is done.

But holy smokes!
I hope that this is as bad as it gets. Only one point had a hope in Hades of staying a point - a couple of them were cut off at the get-go.
This particular block had numerous strikes against it, in addition to the
pointlessness of it all. It was sewn with black thread and a long (loose) stitch length. The stripes have been pressed and steamed and pressed so that they're scary wavy. AND (and seriously, I can think of no reason for this) the block was neatly trimmed to 8 and one eighth inches square. Ish.
Dare I hope that the next section will be less of a challenge? One can always dream.
Labels: quilting

At 8/20/2010 3:02 PM, Crispy Babbled Back:
I feel for you my friend!!! ROFL....oops pardon me, it wasn't polite to laugh :0)
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