Watch This Space
July 24, 2010
May God bless us all. "Mistress of the Art of Death" by Ariana Franklin ♦♦♦♦◊
Thank you all for your kind words on the loss of our Puppy Butt. Both Mr. W. and I are touched at the heart each time someone takes the time to click and share their comfort and support during this time of sadness.
We're recovering - that is to say, there were hours and now even a day that goes by without one or both of us being hit with an emotional meltdown. Puppy Butt will always be part of our hearts and memories.
Our lives are going on - and I've been bouncing between baking (cheesecake, pound cake, banana bread [x4] so far) and sewing and quilting.
I'd be knitting, too, but I've run into a mysterious problem with those Royal Arches socks. One row there's 30 stitches on one of the insteps, the next row there are 29. It's not like this is my first time knitting that particular row - I just did it for the first sock (remember I'm doing both at once). I dunno. Maybe I'll count out loud while knitting...
So back to the other stuff. I have pictures!
Just not uploaded yet.
So, like the banner says,
Watch This Space
I need to go into work this afternoon so after I get home (and maybe recovered, depending on what a zoo it is at the shop today) I'll write a proper blog post with pictures and all.
...Oh! And I'll show you all my
Birthday Presents, too! (It was Friday the 23rd, because I know you'll ask.) (And want to put it on your calendar for next year.) :
Labels: babble

At 7/25/2010 9:47 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Glad to hear as is well Tracy :0) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! I will have no problem remembering your birthday, Bob's birthday was the 23rd, but he REALLY OLD, he's 65 now but he's still going on 12 LOL.
At 7/25/2010 3:09 PM, Barb Babbled Back:
Happy Birthday.
Sorry to hear about your puppy....but it looks like you are trying to fill the void by staying busy....
At 7/26/2010 7:24 AM, golo8 Babbled Back:
looking forward to seeing birthday pictures....
At 7/28/2010 5:55 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Dear Tracy, I am so sorry about your little doggie. It is a sad thing. My little Charlotte dog has been gone now for 3 years and I still miss her. My other dog Cindi has rallied again even though she is not putting on any weight. They sure do stick in your hearts.
Happy Belated Birthday. Can't wait to see your gifts.
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