My Sweet
July 08, 2010
And the world was all around us, new with possibility. "The Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon ♦♦♦◊◊
It hasn't happened yet, but in the next few days, maybe weeks, our sweetest Puppy-Butt will have to leave us.

She's still happy to "see" me when I come home from work and will give a little waggle tail and a kiss, but she's been fading for a few months, now. She hasn't been in pain, but she moves ever more slowly and unsurely, she sleeps most of the time. In the last couple of weeks her appetite has almost disappeared, so she's losing weight.

We had a scare in January. I think she had a stroke, but she rallied and came back for awhile even better than before. She was playing with her toys and prancing around like the squirrely-girl she is.

Scully turned 15 years old on January 10. We expected that she would leave us earlier than this, so we've been thankful for every extra day we've had with our sweet baby dog.

So why am I telling you before it actually happens? I'm sure that many of you already know the answer to that - when it does happen, Mr. W. and I will be so devastated that there's no way I'll be able to put any words together, much less any that will come close to telling you how much she has filled our life with love and laughter.

I love you, sweet dog.

Labels: babble

At 7/08/2010 12:17 PM, Gene Black Babbled Back:
Bless you my friend. Losing a fur baby leaves a hole in the family. I know your pain.
At 7/08/2010 2:14 PM, Linda Babbled Back:
Ahh, I'm sorry. I know what it means cause I'm facing the same situation right now. Please know that I am thinking of you...quilty hugs, Linda
At 7/08/2010 2:28 PM, pajudie Babbled Back:
So sorry you're having to go through this. It is probably one of the hardest decisions one has to make. I've had two that had to be "put down" and two who died at home - I don't know which is worse. My thoughts are with you -
At 7/08/2010 3:20 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
I feel your sorrow. I am going through the same thing sort of with my little girl. She is 14 and is down to 10lbs. It is a sad thing to think and know that our buddies will be leaving us sometime. Take care and sending a big hug.
At 7/08/2010 8:09 PM, Yvette Babbled Back:
I have been in your shoes and I know what you are going through. Take care and enjoy each and every moment you have left. Remember all the good times.
At 7/08/2010 8:52 PM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Oh Tracy my heart aches for you!! Your Puppy Butt reminds me of my Sweetie (a golden colored Cocker) who passed about 10 years ago...seems still like yesterday. Cocker Spaniels are such great pets and a source of constant laughter. I still can see Sweetie climbing up a tree to catch the chipmunk that kept teasing her.
Gentle Hugs, my friend
At 7/13/2010 6:46 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
Aw...tears are falling. I'm so glad that you had the foresight to create this tribute to Scully. Bless your heart.
As someone recently said to me: "Be gentle with yourself."
At 7/15/2010 10:31 AM, golo8 Babbled Back:
so sorry FB... nothing replaces the love of a pet. I am sure you have lots of fun memories ....Hugs
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