A Winner & A Cliick-fest
March 07, 2010
In her arms he'd found his true gold. "The Perfect Lover" by Stephanie Laurens ♦♦♦◊◊
Thank you everyone who stopped by and left a comment (or didn't!) on my
Blogaversary That Wasn't post. I've had a blast meeting new people (Pat, I'm gonna get back to you and talk more about bells!) and looking at all the incredible creativity out there. I've found a few new followers (thank you!) and found some places that I will definitely follow, too!
There are still a few hours left to enter the drawing for
Part Two of the giveaway - good luck!
Thanks to the
"True" Random Number Generator (?)

The winner of the fat quarter bundle is

And here's a picture of that FQ bundle...
In case you want to find your own fabs (or order them from me? That'd be cool), here's what's what with the fat quarters, from left to right starting with the almost-solid red:
#53 Shadow Play by Maywood Studio
Zippity Doo Dah by Sandy Gervais for Moda - Confetti Navy 17428-12
Lakehouse Fabrics Microdots in Champagne by Holly Holderman #09023
Zippity Doo Dah by Sandy Gervais for Moda - Jacks Teal #17426-26
Dots by Sandy Gervais for Moda - (I can't find a color number)
and at the bottom,
Zippity Doo Dah by Sandy Gervais for Moda - Large Flower Navy #1742-22
Congratulations, Fiesta (and thank you Barb for telling her about the giveaway)! I'll be sending an email to Fiesta later on today to get her mailing address!
Now, for even more fun, here's a list of my new visitors and old friends - grab a cuppa someething and click over and visit everyone's blogs. You'll see some wonderful quilts, weather, kids, critters... Everyone is so creative! I'm so glad that I'm getting to discover and rediscover some gooooood reading!
Commence ta' clicking:
Brenda from
Pumpkin Patch Primitives Quilt ShoppeCrispy from
Crispy QuiltsPat from
A Little of This and a Little of PatAnn from
Ann Champion's BlogKaren from
Log Cabin QuilterAnita from
Margret Mary's PlaceDeserae from
Des...eraeDonna from
Mia's CottageAnnelise from
Sjoko QuiltAlicia from
AQM9 Quiltmom9 BlogAnna from
Quiltmom's JourneyJanet from
Mrs Sew n'sewCathi from
Quilt ObsessionCarrie P. from
A Passion for AppliqueAnya from
Hills Creek QuilterJoyce from
J's Quilting BlogHappy Cottage QuilterJenn from
Cre8tive QuilterBarb from
Bejeweled Quilts by BarbBecky from
Sarcastic QuilterKim from
Pokeytown KimArlette from
rincón de arletteJudie from
Quilted ScottieShasta from
High Road QuilterRobin from
RSIslandCraftsFiesta from
Quilting FiestaPatty from
Mom Loves 2 QuiltPhew! I think I got everyone! If you commented and I didn't get your blog listed or - heaven forbid! - I got it
wrong, be sure to leave a comment here and I'll update the list!
Labels: babble, quilting

At 3/07/2010 9:49 PM, Unknown Babbled Back:
I thought I did???
At 3/08/2010 3:55 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Congratulations Fiesta!! And everyone thought I was going to run away with the prize ROFL.
At 3/09/2010 5:44 AM, Sarcastic Quilter Babbled Back:
Oh, I love visiting friends of friends. I get to make new friends that way! :D
At 3/10/2010 6:20 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Yay for Fiesta too. both her and Crispy are on my blog list. So glad they won.
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