Nothing To Report (Long)
February 18, 2010
"Because you're Dr. Cross, and I'm the murderer." "Cross" by James Patterson ♦♦♦♦◊
So, I'm not intentionally neglecting you, dear blog readers. There just isn't anything much to report these days.
I went to the doctor for the first time in 2 or 3 years and came away with a laundry list of tests that need to be taken, pills that need to be swallowed (short term, thankfully), and vitamins that need to be increased. Nothing major's going on, it's just a LOT of little stuff that needs to be fixed before it turns into something bigger.
Work's been busy. We've expanded the shop to incorporate a new classroom/meeting space that will seat up to 60 people. That's exciting and semi-exhausting for me & the rest of the flock, but really there's not much to report to you that would be terribly interesting.
The last time I played with fabric without being 'on the clock' was Super Bowl Sunday, when I joined a Sew-In at the shop. I cut out the setting blocks for my Bunny Hill '
A Tisket, A Tasket' blocks, cut out some of the pieces for a new
Winding Ways quilt top and... uh... something else. I'm not being coy, I literally can't remember what the third thing was!
Oh, but I did make these for the potluck portion of the Sew-In:

It was not as easy as it looks... but that's only because I totally fail when it comes to spreading peanut butter on fruit. The Girl assures me that she did not feel neglected as a child because of the lack of peanut butter-laden fruit, and she also shared this tip (
after the fail): Wipe the moisture from the apple before spreading the peanut butter and it'll stick better. Oy. I was dotted in peanut butter top-to-toe. But I must admit, they were the hit of the potluck, at least visually. More than one person actually took photos! :snort:
See? Pretty much nothing to report!
Okay, so that's not
quite the whole story. I have a Secret Quilting Sister, you see, and I may or may not have been working on a little thing or two for her. Of course I can't show you any of that because she may or may not read my blog and I don't want to let on who I am... so there will essentially be a year's worth of stealth projects that I can't share with you. I guess there will just be a big post at the end of the year with all the pictures.
Tomorrow evening (maybe afternoon, too!) I'm going to participate in another Friday Night Sew-In, hosted by Heidi -

I had told my forum friends that I might work on the Red Delicious BOM or the Tisket BOM or
the new Applewood Farm BOM, but it just occurred to me:
No matter what my counter over there --> says, my Blogaversary is coming up in less than a week.
I'd like to put a little something together and have a celebratory giveaway.
We'll see. You know how I am.
Labels: babble

At 2/18/2010 12:34 PM, Edna Babbled Back:
Love your potluck contribution! I just signed up for friday nite sew-in right behind you!! Have fun..
At 2/19/2010 4:22 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Well it sounds like you have been busy and keeping out of mischief, for the most part, so that is good. You will get the quilty/bloggy thing going once life settles down again :0)
At 2/20/2010 12:43 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Glad to hear nothing serious is going on. That is good news. Take care of yourself.
Funny snack.
I think you should work on the Applewood Farm BOM. that is very pretty.
At 2/23/2010 2:18 PM, Babbled Back:
Take care of you and enjoy your sewing, sounds like you are having fun and keeping busy. Love the teeth LOL. Cant wait to see what you are working on, you make such beautiful things
At 2/27/2010 6:25 PM, Brenda Babbled Back:
OMG T, that's freakin' hilarious! I am lovin' the potluck contribution. What a riot! LOL!
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