The Blogoversary That Wasn't, Part Two
February 28, 2010
Hi again, everyone! We've made it to Sunday midnight, so this giveaway is closed. I'm toddling off to bed, but I'll be back tomorrow to draw a winner and add to the CLICK-FEST - Stay tuned!
It was really as simple as that. "Lightning" by Ed McBain ♦♦♦◊◊
Wow! What a fun response
already to
The Blogoversary That Wasn't, Part One - I'm finding all kinds of new-to-me blogs to explore and rediscovering some that I've haven't visited in a while!
As of this writing, it looks like
Crispy is "stuffing the ballot box" - there a number of new visitors that said, "Crispy sent me" (but no Bertha, so far) so that means an entry for the new visitor and an EXTRA entry for Crispy... !
I've started a draft blog post titled "Cleaning Out the Photo Albums". It seems that I take (and upload) pictures but don't always get around to sharing them with you. Whoda thunk, eh?
As promised yesterday, here's a little something I made back in December:

It's a
trivet, of all things!
Susie (my boss) gave a little crafty class at the shop in December showing how to make a set of four coasters - but since I have
rules about coasters*, I chose put them all together to make a trivet, instead.
We used inks, chalks, acrylic paints, rubber stamps... oh, I don't know, pretty much anything that will leave a mark!
And other than the fact that I put all that color & design on my trivet, what is the big deal about it?

Yep. It's made from
dominoes. How much fun is THAT??
Of course, after the fact - after I was done painting & fluffing and then sprayed it with a gloss
polyurethane varnish to seal it, I had an awful thought: What if the sealant isn't heat-proof? What if I set a hot pan on the trivet at the table and
it sticks to the trivet??? (Of course, now that I've looked it up to link you to the Wikipedia page, I see that I'm right to be concerned!)
So what I have is a very pretty NON-heat resistant trivet. That's okay. I still like it.
Coaster rules:1. A coaster must be absorbent so the sweaty iced tea glass does not form a liquid suction layer to said coaster, causing it to 'stick' to the bottom of the glass. Invariably if I leave the coaster 'attached' while drinking from the sweaty glass, the coaster will release, fall to my chest and spew condensation all over me
at the same time the lump of fused ice cubes in the glass hits me in the nose. NOT good times.
2. Oh. I guess there is no #2. #1 is reason enough.
While I've been off work this week (nothing to worry about, let's just move on along), I've been reasearching and designing for specific shop-related needs.
We have what's called a "Block Challenge" each month, where we feature a line or combination of fabrics. We make a packet of four 14x11" fabrics plus one 14x22" fabric which our lovely customers purchase, take home and use to make one or two 12½" unfinished quilt blocks in the design/pattern of their choice. They then return the blocks to the shop, we put their name on the back & display the blocks. At the end of the month, we draw a name from the entries and whoever's name gets drawn wins ALL of the blocks. Cool, huh?
The thing is, we always have two to five packets left over at the end of the month (out of 24 or more, so we can't complain). But what to do with the 'leftovers' in such odd sizes? Well, here's what I came up with for our Fig Tree Mill House Inn packet from January:

I give you "Millhouse Spin", a wallhanging or table topper pattern that finishes to about 22" square.
This uses the Block Challenge packet fabrics plus 1/8 yd. of a soft off-white.
Depending on how well it's received here and at the shop, I hope to share this pattern with you as a freebie sometime in the future.
(If you don't see it before school starts in the fall, remind me - I tend to forget things, yanno.)
Okay, you made it through yet another post, so here's what you're probably after:

A Maywood Studios "Rise 'N Shine" Sweet Sixteen collection! This Sweet Sixteen collection includes (all?) 28 prints in "fat 16ths" (approx. 9x11" each). Here is an
I-don't-know-how-long-it-will-be-valid link to Cotton Fields On-Line's listing of this fabric line so you can see how stinkin' cute the fabrics are.
But wait! There's more! Maywood Studios also published a free online pattern to use this Sweet Sixteen packet here:
Cool Spools (it's a direct-to-pdf link, sorry!)

Looky at the cute chickens!
Leave a comment on this post before midnight
Sunday, March 7 (this part's different than yesterday!) (California-time) for a chance to receive this S16 bundle. I'll do the random-number generator thing on
Monday to choose a name from the entries.
The rest of the "rules" for this giveaway are the same as yesterday's rules, so I'm gonna copy them over to here:
For a second entry, blog about the little giveaway Part One then come back and leave me a comment that you did so. A link to your blog post would be handy (but not required)... who knows? Maybe you'll get some new visitors!
(Just a note) Blogger comments accept html code... here's what you need to put in to make a clickable link:
<a href="web address of my blog post.html">Name of my Blog Post</a>
Aw, heck. How about another entry opportunity? Email a friend and tell them to come visit me. When your friend comments and says "Bertha sent me," (though I'd prefer them to include YOUR name)(unless you're Bertha. Then they can say "Bertha sent me.") both you AND your friend will each get an additional entry.
So, you're not in the U.S.? No problem. I don't mind shipping internationally!
That's it. For now.
I am having a blast meeting everyone, thank you ALL for your nice words and good wishes!! ♥
Labels: babble, craft, quilting

At 2/28/2010 4:18 PM, Pat Babbled Back:
FAT 16ths???? I never knew about I think I really need to win this so I will experience them firsthand, don'tcha think??? LOL Love your non-heat-resistant trivia......*sigh*........and I totally agree with your RULE about coasters!!!
At 2/28/2010 6:25 PM, Annmarie Babbled Back:
Such cute fabric - I'm hoping to redo my kitchen in roosters & chickens soon - Perfect!!! Great giveaway - thanks.
At 2/28/2010 10:14 PM, quiltmom anna Babbled Back:
Thanks for visiting my blog- I just added you to my list- when I find a new blog I really enjoy I add it to my blog list for a couple of reasons. One is that I will return to your blog and the other is that is doesn't get lost on my computer - especially when I have computer woes which I have been known to have.
Anyway I hope you will visit my blog again- I did post a post about your giveaway in today's blog. You can find it here:
The second addition to your prizes are very fun - the chickens are great.
At 3/01/2010 6:33 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
I'm back with the link to my post about Part 2 of the giveaway.
I'm so glad my blogger buddies came through for me so I got the extra entry....flattery wasn't working ROFL.
At 3/01/2010 6:37 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Hey, where did my first comment go to???? Well, read them in reverse order LOL.
I love the trivet and am so happy you thought of the heat resistance thingy before you found out the hard way (the way I usually find things out).
I'm in for part 2 and have posted a link in my blog (see above comment).
Thanks for having a great giveaway :0)
At 3/01/2010 6:49 AM, Karen - Quilts...etc. Babbled Back:
would love to have a chance - and Crispy sent me too.
At 3/01/2010 7:01 AM, deserae Babbled Back:
I would love to win! Cute fabric!
At 3/01/2010 7:04 AM, Jocelyn Babbled Back:
What a fun giveaway! Thanks so much for entering me.
At 3/01/2010 7:58 AM, Anita in Florida Babbled Back:
What great giveaways you are my name to be put in the hat...or the random thingy. Thanks....saw you on Cristy's blog thru
At 3/01/2010 8:11 AM, Janet Babbled Back:
ohhhh - I like fat eigths - a nice sized piece of fabric to add lots of scrappiness to a quilt. I like your coaster rule! :0)
At 3/01/2010 9:19 AM, free indeed Babbled Back:
I don't have a personal blog to post this to but would love the single chance to win a coordinated pile of fabric....don't have any of those yet....just a mish mash of everything. I should break down and buy a bundle of fabric in a line to use in a coordinated quilt...rather than leaving it up to my not so proficent matchups. Anyway...sorry your coaster is not heat could use it as wall art?
At 3/01/2010 2:30 PM, Cindy from Its a Sew Sew Day... Babbled Back:
I have never heard of fat 16's either. But I would love a chance at giving them a new home. Congraduations on your anniversary!
Happy Quilting!
At 3/01/2010 6:07 PM, Kim Babbled Back:
Well Crispy did send me :0).
Fat 16th are so just whip up a project and no scraps!
Thanks for a chance to win :0)
Happy Sewing
At 3/01/2010 6:29 PM, Babbled Back:
Hi, I am a novice quilter and would love this package of fabric. I have trouble deciding what will look nice, this takes alot ot the guess work out of choosing fabics.
Thanks for a chance to win!
At 3/01/2010 10:45 PM, golo8 Babbled Back:
Love you blog... always so much fun to read...
At 3/02/2010 12:39 AM, sjoko Babbled Back:
Your name "fiber babble" is genious :O)
I giggle when I think of it, and as everybody else, I would love to win. Thanks for the links :o)
At 3/02/2010 5:51 AM, Shelina Babbled Back:
Hi, I'm here. Crispy sent me.
At 3/02/2010 6:00 AM, pajudie Babbled Back:
Tracy - I've put a post on my blog ( about your giveaway - sign me up, too. Barb sent me over -
At 3/02/2010 6:02 AM, WEARit Babbled Back:
cute cute fabric!! Please enter me in the draw :)
At 3/02/2010 9:27 AM, Ann Champion Babbled Back:
I really like you trivet. I never would have thought about the heat affecting the's good to know.
The little bundle of fabrics are darling. I've never heard of fat 16ths! :)
At 3/02/2010 10:11 AM, Robin (RsIslandCrafts) Babbled Back:
Love the trivet! Sounds like something I would do...make something and then check to see if it is heat resistant. Oh well, I'm sure it was fun to make.
Barb sent me :)
At 3/02/2010 2:32 PM, J Barham Babbled Back:
Fat 16ths! never heard of it before. They are such cute fabrics.
Found your blog in the last 2 weeks. Love it here, you have such unusual, but cute ideas! Enter me in the drawing, please.
At 3/02/2010 9:50 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
<a href=">Anna</a> gets another entry - she blogged about my giveaway!
At 3/02/2010 9:52 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Crispy gets another entry because she blogged about my giveaway!
At 3/02/2010 9:58 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Karen (who does insane things on her blog) gets an extra entry - she came over from Crispy's blog!
At 3/03/2010 3:18 AM, Anya Babbled Back:
Another giveaway! Thanks for the chance again!
At 3/03/2010 4:48 AM, Candace Babbled Back:
I love the trivets, especially the first one. I don't use them that much, but I have several just leaning or sitting in my kitchen, almost like art. I also love your Millhouse Spin. I love the pale background that makes the pinwheel. Lots going on in that small space.
At 3/03/2010 4:50 AM, Sarcastic Quilter Babbled Back:
Of course I'll leave a comment. that little bundle is so cute!
(I've already blogged about giveaway 1.)
Thanks for the chances!
At 3/03/2010 2:16 PM, Babbled Back:
Thanks for sharing!
At 3/03/2010 6:09 PM, Jill Babbled Back:
What a great giveaway. Thanks for sharing. I love the trivets and just might have to give them a try.
At 3/03/2010 10:18 PM, Doina Babbled Back:
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
At 3/04/2010 9:07 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Hey I am back and even though I am a regular reader I am saying that Crispy sent me because I read her blog first.
At 3/04/2010 9:52 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Kim came over from Crispy's blog post. She gets another entry!
At 3/04/2010 10:19 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Let's give another entry to Crispy for sending Shasta!
At 3/04/2010 10:21 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Shasta sez Crispy sent her - she gets an extra entry!
At 3/04/2010 10:23 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Crispy sent Kim. Crispy gets extra entry. See Crispy kick butt.
At 3/04/2010 10:25 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Judie posted about my giveaway on her blog. She gets an extra entry!
At 3/04/2010 10:26 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
But wait! Judie also gave credit to Barb for sending her my way. Extra entry!
At 3/04/2010 10:28 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Bam! Another entry for Barb for sending Judie!
At 3/04/2010 10:40 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Robin came over via Barb's blog. She gets an extra entry!
At 3/04/2010 10:42 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Barb gets an extra entry for sending Robin!
At 3/04/2010 11:27 AM, Deanna Babbled Back:
Thanks for the chance to win--I could come up with something. Maybe not as cute as your wall hanging, but I'll take the challenge.
At 3/05/2010 5:26 PM, Debbie Babbled Back:
Thanks for the chance to win this so very cute fabric! I love it! Ooooh, the things I could make!
At 3/05/2010 8:17 PM, golo8 Babbled Back:
FB, love your trivets....
At 3/05/2010 9:28 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Carrie told me that she came from Crispy's blog. Carrie gets an extra entry!
At 3/05/2010 9:29 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Crispy sent Carrie... add another one to the hat for Crispy!
At 3/06/2010 5:08 AM, Beth Karese Babbled Back:
Wow, congratulations on four years! Cute wallhanging. I love your coaster rules!! Too funny. Crispy sent me.
At 3/06/2010 8:50 AM, tellad Babbled Back:
Love the fabric - already am looking at ways to use this!!
Thanks for the chance!
Teri Dingler
At 3/06/2010 5:12 PM, Unknown Babbled Back:
Hi I love your blog and the giveaway fabrics. Got all my fingers crossed. Crispy sent me. I've written about the giveaway on my blog too.
At 3/06/2010 11:34 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Beth came to visit via Crispy's blog. She gets another entry!
At 3/06/2010 11:35 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Crispy sent Beth... yep! She gets another entry!
At 3/06/2010 11:39 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Kayjay says that Crispy sent her. Extra entry! Go figure!
At 3/06/2010 11:42 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
And guess what! Kayjay also blogged about my giveaway. Be sure to check out her blog - and she gets an extra entry!
At 3/06/2010 11:43 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Hey, Crispy - you get another entry for sending Kayjay!
At 3/07/2010 4:54 PM, Linda Babbled Back:
Hey girl, happy Blogaversary! Thanks for showing the Millhouse Spin quilt. I love it! I'm ready for the pattern now, so, don't forget!
I also think that trivet is so cute, good job.
Thanks for having the giveaway. Hugs, Linda
At 3/07/2010 11:16 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
At 3/07/2010 11:17 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
At 3/08/2010 11:33 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
Phew! I almost missed it! Anita in Florida came over via Crispy's blog. She gets another entry!
At 3/08/2010 11:56 AM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
That means that Crispy gets another entry for sending Anita :-)
At 3/08/2010 12:02 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
...and this is why I draw arrows and make stars and color code things: Crispy gets one last entry for sending Karen (who commented 'way back on the 1st!).
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