Feels Like December
January 16, 2010
He guessed he felt all right. "The Big Bad City" by EdMcBain ♦♦♦◊◊

Last night I managed to complete two more of the Bunny Hill 'A Tisket, A Tasket' BOM blocks. I give you November...

... and October.
Changes to the designs were minimal this time around... the crow in November isn't wearing a hat and is pointing a different way. I moved the wreath-y leaves around on the October block.
I want to thank Edna for unintentionally kicking me in the backside by sharing her enthusiasm for the Sew-In Friday. I'm only one block away - yep, that would be December - from moving on to the next step with this project!
I expect I probably didn't show the blocks immediately preceding last night's efforts:


Changes were a bit more extreme on these blocks. The rulers on the September block are new, and pretty much the entire August block except for the basket is new. The flowers are inspired by the
Sunflower Placement from FatCat Patterns.
And I'm not going to get any more chatty than that. It was a challenging day at work today and I'm tired!
Labels: quilting

At 1/17/2010 6:12 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Love your blocks and how you took them and made them your own.
At 1/19/2010 2:11 PM, Dena Babbled Back:
You're doing a great job of personalizing these BOM blocks.
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