Gummy and Sticky
December 10, 2009
However brief the moment, whatever would come, we had peace. "Gale Force" by Rachel Caine ♦♦♦♦◊

'Way back when I showed you
the pincushion I received in a swap in one of "my" forums. I still totally love it and use it almost daily.
This is the pincushion I made to send to my swap-ee, Jennifer.
This is my first foray into using the selvages I've been collecting for awhile. They make me smile!

Yes, the little flower does come out. You might notice that the base is a promo golf tee from some acupuncturist in town. I have no idea how I ended up with it, but it sure came in handy!

See? Clever is as clever does! That little tee sits in your spool of thread when you're hand-sewing in your comfy chair so you can use the center as a mini-pincushion for your needles.
The flower center has some steel wool wrapped in a tiny bit of fiberfill (all shoved into a yo-yo-type gathered circle).

While your little flower is busy helping with the handwork, your pincushion can still do double duty as a pen/pencil holder!
I suppose you could put a seam ripper in there... or my favorite - the Super Stick (okay, just a thin stick that's sharpened on both ends to help at the sewing machine).
Other little tidbits about the pincushion: It's about 3" tall. The center 'holder' is the cap to an ink pen. Yes, I stood in the Dollar Store and "tried on" pen caps to make sure a pencil or stick pen would fit. A rice-filled muslin bag, fiberfill, some dental floss and E-6000 adhesive was also involved in the construction.
The main pincushion is inspired by the
Delectable December Doorstopper that
Vicki shared as part of the
Advent Countdown over at the
Gum Tree Designers blog (woo! what a click-fest!).
What? You don't know about Gum Tree Designers? Go! Click like the wind! I'll still be here - but you really ought to check out all of the wonderful designs and fun that these very talented and generous ladies are sharing with the world!
Labels: sewing

At 12/10/2009 3:48 PM, Crispy Babbled Back:
That pin cushion is just adorable!!
At 12/10/2009 11:18 PM, Babbled Back:
Once again FB I have to say, thats just the coolest pin cushion, its such a neat idea and I love all the selvedges, well done!!! Did you make one for yourself?
At 12/11/2009 7:44 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Pretty cool!
At 1/01/2010 7:41 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Just wanted to come by and wish you a Happy New Year.
At 1/01/2010 3:45 PM, Julie Babbled Back:
Happy New Year! And I am loving that pincushion, especially the flower part.
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