My Kind of Cake
August 06, 2009
Abandoned book "Total Recall" by Sara Paretsky ♦♦◊◊◊

So, I'm just coming home from having a bit of a wander through some local quilt, yarn and chain stores in town where pretty much the only things I purchased were a couple of skeins of this.

What do I find when I stop at the mailbox? A package from what some might consider
The Candy Store!

Inside the box was another box! Yes! It's a wool-winder!
HowEVER did The Girl know that I wanted one of these? Oh, yeah. Is it because I left a virtual hint when I linked to the specific page where one could purchase this item? Maybe I mentioned it a time or ten when the kids were visiting last month.*

I immediately opened the second box and started building - it's actually really easy to put together. Nice thing about this one that I haven't seen in others (though I don't have VAST experience with wool winders) is that there's a screw in the bottom to keep the clamp thing from sliding out of the winder base. Or vice-versa.
It even came with a handle for... what? Free-range winding? Heaven forbid I be tethered to a table for the length of time to wind a skein of yarn.
(Okay, we discussed it and the handle probably works best when winding from a yarn swift. Something that I actually
don't want or need.)

So, it's all set up - what now? Oh, yeah! I'd just walked in the door with yarn - let's play!!!
(Supervision provided by Puppy-Butt.)

And there you have it. FiberBabble's Birthday Cake, 2009.
Thank you (again!) to The Girl and Lifesaver for the perfect gift. I see hours of fun in my future spinning round and round and round.
Okey dokey! Out there in blog-land, I've run across some really generous people!
Mama Spark has been speaking very highly of
Bunny Hill Designs, by Anne Sutton. Well, you know I'm not going to argue, Anne's the generous designer of the free
A Tisket, A Tasket BOMs that I've been trying to keep up with this year!
Anne's not only generous with her talents, she's offered a $50 gift certificate to a lucky entrant into
Mama Spark's giveaway! How cool is that?

Pop on over, say hi, enter the giveaway (if you must!), and wander around. You'll find that not only is Mama Spark sharing the bounty from Anne, but she also is generously sharing her own BOM series,
My Neighborhood.
But wait! There's more! Elaine, the Faithful Quilter, is hosting her second "
Stimulus Package" giveaway. She's a sneaky one... she's posted a picture the container the giveaway goodies will be packaged in, but not the goodies! I'm up for a surprise, though, so I'll happily toss my name into her random number generator. Heck, the container itself is enough for me - it's awfully cute!
Labels: babble, knitting

At 8/06/2009 11:38 AM, Dena Babbled Back:
What a nice surprise. Hope your day is filled with more surprises like this.
At 8/06/2009 5:55 PM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Please excuse my ignorance but doesn't yarn come already wound up?? Or is this just a way to make all your yarn cakes look the same???
At 8/07/2009 7:10 AM, Ann Champion Babbled Back:
It's always fun to have a package arrive! I've gotten a swift and a yarn winder for my DIL as gifts. I dunno why she needed them crispy said..but if it makes her makes me happy! Isn't it amazing how "the girl" knew just what to get? LOL It's so cute how your puppy "supervises". ;)
At 8/11/2009 12:29 AM, Babbled Back:
Looks like you had a fun day Tracey, yarn winder is cool although I dont think I will need one, I cant knit to save myself, I like timber things though. Thanks for sharing blogs too, soem of them are funny :-) Good luck with winning something
At 8/14/2009 7:43 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Hey, that is one pretty cool gadget. Have fun with it and good luck in the giveaways.
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