What a Week!
July 29, 2009
"Yes," he said, "I think you can." "Fade Away" by Harlan Coben ♦♦♦♦◊
Where to start? A post about visiting with family? A post about my joyful reunion with my sewing machine? A post about my complete inability to count to THREE that is causing me to knit and un-knit on my
Royal Arches socks? I tell ya, I can sure get hours and hours and HOURS of 'entertainment' out of a ball of sock yarn!!
So I guess it will be family. For those who are looking for a fiber fix, it's okay if you move along now. I won't be offended in the least - you've got your own family to look at. This is probably mostly for family and the people who've asked.
Don't worry. There will be wonderful wonderful quilt pics in the next post, I promise! (Well, I promise there will be quilt pics. You can decide if they're wonderful or not!!)
So, family. Let me preface this (to my non-family readers) by saying that I am glad that my children resemble me (and all my ancestors, really) to some degree. Because this batch of blonde and strawberry-blonde grandkids sure breaks the mold!!
Oh - and another thing: Almost all of these pictures are of family who have been camping for
at least three days and some of the pictures are pre-shower and laundry!
So, in order by age (I think)...

The Girl and Lifesaver, fishing on the Kalama river. This was taken on their 2nd anniversary.

The Girl and Lifesaver again - I love this picture for some reason.

My kids - The Girl and The Boy. (Don't forget the camping disclaimer - they're gonna kill me!

Offspring #1 (from The Girl) 9 years old.

Offspring #2 (from The Girl) 7 years old. Wearing a sweatshirt that's older than she is. Possibly older than her mother is. Painted by their Gramma P. (my mom) and passed down to The Girl from one of her other Grammas.

Offspring 1 & 2 fishing. They did start with poles, but they could see the little fishes and, well... standing on the bank with a pole is so...
Here, fishy, fishy!
Offspring #3 (from The Boy). Almost 4 years old. This is one of the extremely rare moments that this little guy stood still. Phew!

Offspring #4 (from The Boy) with her Aunty. 9 months old.

This is to make a photographic record of an historic event.
Offspring #4 is the only grandchild that has NOT hurled all over Opa (Mr. W.).
I believe he packed extra shirts against the possibility.

kinneared Offspring #4.
There are about 70 more pictures that I won't share with you (though they'll end up being passed around between family members).

And of course, I can't leave out my Puppy-Butt, who took the influx of active people and noise and new people and smells in her stride.

Seriously.Labels: babble

At 7/30/2009 4:27 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Tracy, you have a beautiful family. I love looking a family pictures even if I don't know anyone. Opa looks like he knows he is loved, even if he hasn't been hurled on ROFL.
At 7/30/2009 6:54 AM, Teri Compeau Babbled Back:
I just love your blog. You have such a way with words. Have a wonderful day.
At 7/30/2009 12:23 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Your children and grandchildren are beautiful. So puppy dog looks very content. Thanks for sharing fun times with your family.
At 7/30/2009 4:36 PM, Babbled Back:
FibreBabble I love your pics, they are candid and cute, the fishing one with them sitting captured the essence of the moment, I like that one too, it just oozes contentment and companionship. You have beautiful children and grandchildren. Glad you had such a great weekend
At 7/31/2009 1:32 AM, Deb Babbled Back:
wow nice looking kids and GK's and even puppy butt..she looks pretty relaxed.. great to have a big (growing) family to treasure.
At 8/03/2009 6:34 AM, Ann Champion Babbled Back:
You have a beautiful family FB! Isn't it funny that your GKs are all blondies?
At 8/22/2009 7:14 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
What a great post. I am so lovin the pics of the kids. And grandpa with the baby? OMG! That one was the best.
Boy they grow up so very fast. I can't get over how fast that happens. One day your holding the kids and next thing you know the baby on your arms is FROM the kids. Amazing, isn't it?
Thanks so much for sharing. B=)
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