For a Few More Minutes...
July 23, 2009
Abandoned book "Hide and Seek" by James Patterson ♦◊◊◊◊

...It's my birthday! Okay, to be fair the picture includes some sympathy cards for the loss of Mr. W's grandma and some thank you cards, but still...
It's my birthday!!I woke up to a wonderful multitude of flashy-bouncy-colorful-happyhappyjoyjoy posts celebrating my special day from my friends in forum-land. (Thank you again!)
Swag report: From mom, an Ott Light Floor Lamp to replace the one of mine whose ballast went kaput. From Mr. W., a
ROKU box so I can watch Netflix and Amazon rental movies directly from computer to TV - no DVD's required! J2 gave me a skein of Noro Kureyon Sock in a yummy blue/black/gray colorway. My mother-in-law sent me a check, so I'll be able to get a little more of the
yarn that I hinted about in a previous post.
The Girl has mentioned
something that she'd like to get for me (and I'm perfectly fine with it!). Oh, and I got a special Birthday Rubber Duckie when I stopped in at
my favorite LQS!

And then there's what I got
for myself.
A sale-priced storage thingy to hang in the closet in my sewing room, a Boye Needlemaster set (is that redundant?), and a 3x18" rotary cutting ruler to replace one that I left at someone's house when I gave a class there. I had 40% off coupons at Joann Fabrics and Michael's, so I didn't pay full price for anything. In fact, I might even have enough left in my 'birthday account' to pick up another skein or two of
the yarn I hinted about. :snerk:
There are about 80 pictures to be uploaded from the weekend with my family (I won't post them all, I promise!) and there is news on both the knitting and quilting fronts. But I'll save that for another post.
When it's not my birthday.
Labels: babble, holiday

At 7/24/2009 1:36 AM, Susan Babbled Back:
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day.
At 7/24/2009 2:55 AM, Candace Babbled Back:
Happy little bit late Birthday! Looks like you had a nice day and lots of goodies. Looking forward to the pictures.
At 7/24/2009 9:17 AM, Deb Babbled Back:
Happy Birthday, happy Birthday!! I am singing this so glad it is cyberspace so that you can't hear it.. you celebrate as long as you want it is your week!!
At 7/24/2009 10:05 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Happy Birthday's my dh's birthday too but he didn't get anything except a smooch from me....priceless LOL.
Crispy - Thanks for finding my blog because now I have found yours!
At 7/24/2009 12:07 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Happy Belated Birthday. Sorry I missed the actual date but it looks like it was a good one.
At 7/24/2009 7:54 PM, Linda Babbled Back:
Happy Late Birthday to you, happy late birthday to you, happy late birthday, Traaaaacy.....happy late birthday to you. Sorry I missed it. It looked like you had a good one. I now know 3 people that have this birthday...Hugs, Linda
At 7/24/2009 9:09 PM, Quilter Kathy Babbled Back:
Happy Birthday! You must have forgotten to tell us which birthday you are celebrating... LOL!
At 7/25/2009 8:12 AM, Darling Jill Quilts Babbled Back:
Happy birthday!! A day late! It sounds like you got some great thing!! Enjoy!!
At 7/26/2009 7:12 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
I know that THE day has already past...but how about a HAPPY BIRTHDAYWEEKEND?!?! Hope you're having a wonderful one!
And way-to-go on the giftage, by the way!!! Happy creating and organizing and shopping to you, T! ;-)
At 7/26/2009 7:13 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
Passed. Ooops. That should have read that your day has already PASSED...right?! Ooops. I was so excited about your giftage I guess. lol
At 7/29/2009 11:02 AM, Otter Babbled Back:
Yikes! I haven't been keeping up with things lately while I paint and build things at my house. Sorry to have missed it, but....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, friend!!!! Hope it was a good one...looks like it was. Bet you are still younger than me...LOL
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