Stuck in April
June 05, 2009
And when she was alone, riding down alone, she tapped her finger - the one that wore her wedding ring - against the image of the badge on her heart. "Divided in Death" by J.D. Robb ♦♦♦♦◊
Okay, so the whole
giveaway thing. Kinda embarrassing. Like throwing a party and nobody comes.
Somebody told me it was because I 'talked' too much (they said it much more kindly). Short version. Comment on any post , get an entry to win either the apron or the covered journal (up to 5 comments/entries). Post about the giveaway on your blog and get another entry when you leave another comment, telling me you did so. Follow me on Twitter, get another entry. Entries from outside the U.S. are encouraged. 7 entries possible. Deadline 12:01 a.m. on June 10 (California time).
There. Much shorter, right?
Guess what! I finished an
APRIL BOM!! Actually two, because I'm multi-tasking, but WOOT! Am I on a roll, or WHAT??

Here, in all it's glory, is my April
Calendar Quilt Challenge block, finished in various shades of yellow, with a little bit of orange thrown in.
This block/month is the same length as
my January block (36"). It's a little bit narrower, but I won't hold that against me.

Detail from the
Ellie's Quiltplace Country Calendar BOM.
Recognize the bunny? This is the new, improved background that made the bunny in my previous post an orphan. (Though it's possible that
The Girl will take said orphan bunny to use in a project.)(Whether she knows it or not.)(Heh.)
There will be yet
another April finished BOM to share with you soon. I'm certainly not caught up, but at least I'd like to get all of my behind-ness to May!
Labels: blogging, quilting

At 6/07/2009 7:47 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
Oh T you are too funny... just send me the journal thingie and forget the giveaway, you don't want all those lurkers coming out of the woodwork anyway, LOL! And I have big boobies too so that apron would be nice too. Ok that's it, you have nothing left to give the lurkers...emil me for my address, hahahaha!
At 6/07/2009 7:49 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
OOps, I forgot ot say I REALLY like your April calendar, it's so cute!
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