I Almost Forgot!
June 20, 2009
In the dark, with her hand on his cheek, they slid into sleep. "Creation in Death" by J.D. Robb ♦♦♦♦◊
I have some comings and goings to tell you about!

First off, I received the hands-down cutest fabrics from Yellow Bird Art (plus an original Yellow Bird Designs tote pattern) - there was a
blog giveaway and I actually won something! WOOT! While not my "usual" flavors of fabric, I love the whimsy and the fabric
feels delicious!
Thank you, Angela and Amy - I couldn't be more pleased and grateful for your generosity!!
Angela and Amy have had their brick & mortar and online shops closed this week while they're re-vamping (does anyone ever do any 'vamping', or is it just re-vamping?), redecorating and re-stocking. The big grand re-opening of the shop is on June 22; be sure to visit them in their refreshed nest at
Yellow Bird Art.

Here's a less-than-stellar photo of the most recent apron that I made. One of my forum friends and I have entered our aprons (hers is tea-themed, mine is coffee) in the
Quilts and More Quarterly Challenge, hosted by
AllPeopleQuilt.com (a Better Homes and Gardens site), where you can find all kinds of free patterns, technique instructions, online classes and an online community.
The pairs of aprons (we submitted much better photos than the one I'm sharing here) are judged by "a qualified panel of judges" (!) and all of the entries will be narrowed down to ten semi-finalists. Once we make it to the semi-finals (see how positive I'm being?), then YOU get to go and vote for your favorite pair of aprons.
Seriously, our aprons are cute. I don't know what 'the competition' is offering, but I'm happy with what we've done. Even if we don't get the big enchilada it's been fun to play!
The Fabric Shopper's giveaway has really gotten me fired up. I'm LOVING the Hippie Chicks fabric line by Michele D'Amore (Marcus Brothers). I'm just telling you all so that I get to write yet another comment on the giveaway post to get another entry for the fat quarters. You don't need to go over and enter the drawing. No, really you don't. Feel free to browse around the rest of the blog and to be inspired and find some really cool online fabric resources, but really: I have
plans for a stack of Hippie Chicks Fat Quarters. :snort:
Jeanette over at Serendipity Designs is having a giveaway to celebrate
her 50th post! As a prize, she's giving away the instructions and embroidery design for a Quilter's Tote (somewhere around 30 June). It's awfully nice!
If you want to pop on over and enter her giveaway, be aware: There might be music on her blog. I think I saw the player down at the bottom of the post (but YAY-YAY-YAY, I got a music blocker for Firefox!!).
Oh, and I just can't believe this: Jan at Paper Craft Pleasures is giving away a
Zutter Bind-It-All! Her
Blog Candy post gives the details - this is an incredible "prize" and one that
just happens to be on my Christmas wishlist! Giveaway ends 30 June.
Phew! I think I might be caught up with the stuff I've been wanting to share with you!
Labels: aprons, babble

At 6/22/2009 1:09 PM, Wanda - Scraphappy Blended Quilter Babbled Back:
Spring Mini-quilt swap is on it's way!! Please take a photo (or 2 and send to me). Daughter dear has camera at camp and I want to remember it :)
At 6/23/2009 11:04 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Hey Tracy,
Congrats on your win. I just wanted to let you know I got my box yesterday. Thanks so much. The apron does fit. Thanks for the extra goodies too. I have not ever seen charms from RJR before. And the pad of paper is just what I needed. Been using scraps of paper for the grocery list.
My post for next Monday will be about my win from you. Trying to rest my elbow. Later, Thanks again.
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