It's A Give-Away!
May 31, 2009
And I always keep my promises. "Mary, Mary" by James Patterson ♦♦♦◊◊
This is it - the much touted, long-awaited post #200, complete with an actual giveaway!
So much has gone on during this last month while I haven't been posting and I promise to share it all with you (in mind-numbing detail) in upcoming posts, but let's get on to the giveaway!

First up is a dishtowel apron (
not from the Dollar Store, by the way).
I actually put in a buttonhole on the bib of the apron because it occurred to me that I tend to make stuff to fit ME and there's a whole lot of females (read: MOST) and many men who aren't as tall or as top-heavy or as... whatever... as I am.

Case in point? This is Ann (who may actually weigh only half of what I weigh):
So, the buttonhole is there in the bib so you can move the button up on the neck strap and hopefully get it to fit you if you're less, uh, Amazonian than I am...
You know, if you win the apron and you're 5'5" or shorter, you may want to shorten the bib of the apron (the first thing Ann did was tuck it into the waistband). I'll do that for ya before I send it out, if you want me to.

The next offering is a 'covered' journal. I couldn't resist this fabric, and then I gave it a bit of a split personality, since I kept changing my mind about the design during construction!

The journal (aka Blank Book) is 6½ x 4¾"; the cover fits it or a standard (?) sized paperback book (6¾ x 4¼").
So, here's the deal: I haven't done this before, so I'm making it up as I type here. If I am forgetting something super obvious, please let me know.
To enter, leave me a comment. I'm going to turn on comment notification for all of my OLD posts too, so if you were to, oh, I don't know... wander through some of my other blog posts and find something that you want to comment upon, that will count as an entry, too. I'll give you an entry for a comment on any of the posts I've written or will write up to when I draw the winning names - up to 5. (Hmmm. That was pretty muddy.) Comment on this post? 1 entry. Comment on a post from "
Adventures in Felting"? 1 entry. Remember that last entry about
Being Interesting? I'm trying to mix it up here.
Feel free to roam around the blog. Visit the
These Posts Might Change Your Life category (my personal favourite - at least today). Or see what others have commented most upon:
The Number One Most Commented Upon Blog Post is
Blogging Without Obligation.
The second most commented-upon is "
Thursday Thirteen".
The combo-comment "winners" were the
two posts that show the progress on my SNuBS quilt top (which is still unbasted and unquilted).
And sure, what the hey (hay)(heigh). Put a link on your blog to my blog and you'll get an extra entry. Just leave me (another!) comment here and tell me that you dunnit.
It would be nice if you were to link to this specific post so new friends and visitors don't have to grub around looking for it (because I do intend to write other posts during this whole hullabaloo). The direct link is:
Oh, yeah. Are you sitting down? You are, aren't you?
I have become Twitter-pated. Feel free to follow me. But don't get your hopes up; I'm actually pretty boring (and not overly tweety). But if you wanna follow me, I'll give ya another entry. You don't even need to leave me a comment for that one, either; Twitter emails me when someone wants to follow me. And if you want to un-follow me as soon as the giveaway ends, I won't take it personally. There's only so much bonding I can hope for here.
What am I up to? 5, 6, 7 - Seven possible entries.
Yes. If you live outside of the United States, you can play, too (some of my favorite people live outside of the U.S.!).
I'll stop counting entries at 12:01 a.m.
Wednesday, June 10 (that's 1 minute after midnight). I'll draw the winners later in the morning, right after my coffee has kicked in. That could be anywhere between 9 a.m. to noon California time. Sometime between now and then I'll figure out how to keep track of everyone's entries with a number so I can do that random number draw thing (TWO prizes, don't forget!).
Now, I know that in my last post I promised a giveaway AND some UFO action AND a sneak peak of Something Completely Different, but this post is already quite babble-icious. Give me a couple of minutes while I dig around my Photobucket albums to see if there's a brief story (hah!) or a teaser picture I can share...

Here are two pictures of the same "block". It was supposed to be my April Bunny from
Ellie's Country Calendar BOM that goes into my April
Calendar Challenge block (the one you haven't seen yet!). The background didn't fit color-wise with the rest of the block, so I made a new bunny.
On my monitor, the darker/shadowy picture more accurately shows the color of the peachy background. The bunny is fused on and the edges and details are inked with a fine-point permanent marker. The "block" is 10½ x a little less than 5½". One of the short ends is a selvedge edge.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with the poor, homeless bunny. For now, it'll go into the orphan pile!
Labels: blogging

At 6/01/2009 1:04 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
:tap-tap-tap: Is this thing on?
At 6/02/2009 6:13 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Congrats on your first giveaway.
Love those little bunnies.
At 6/02/2009 1:20 PM, Deb Babbled Back:
FB..your bunny will find a home a great sampler is starting to come to mind. thanks for your blog didn't know you had one but will follow now. It is great with wonderfully creative ideas
At 6/03/2009 5:20 PM, Babbled Back:
FibreBabble as always I love your humour and your blog, aprons are really neat, well done!
At 6/05/2009 5:45 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
fun apron. I always dry my hands on my apron anyway, so a tea towel one is a good idea. thanks for the chance to win.
At 6/09/2009 2:09 PM, Linda Babbled Back:
Hey, you do not talk or babble too much. I love your babbling! I so enjoy your blog. I have been so bad about not keeping up with my blogging or reading the blogs I enjoy. You are definitely at the top of the list and I like to see all your goings on! thanks for having a giveaway and congrats. Keep on keeping on and babbling do have some loyal followers out here in blogland. Hugs, Linda
At 6/09/2009 10:49 PM, golo8 Babbled Back:
Tracy, love your blog...been following for quite awhile, but this my first comment... Love your calendar BOm... looking forward to seeing the quilt at the end of the year... you will put it together, won't you?
At 6/10/2009 8:51 PM, Mary on Lake Pulaski Babbled Back:
Cute apron and journal cover!
At 6/11/2009 1:59 AM, Babbled Back:
Oh my lord, I won a prize, I won a prize - yahoooooo! Thank you so much FibreBabble, Im so excited, I finally worked out how to post, all those comments I missed out on posting in the past and finally you show me how and then I actually win a prize!! I love the journal cover, fat free chocolate, whats not to love, oh did I say Im excited?!!!!
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