March was Challenging!
April 02, 2009
Abandoned book "Shiver" by Lisa Jackson ♦♦◊◊◊
It occurs to me that I'm approaching my 200th post (this is #196). I think I ought to have some sort of giveaway. I have four posts' time to figure out what I will give away, but I think I really will do it (rather than just planning to and then not doing anything about it).
Of course, depending on what's going on with me, four posts can be 6 days or 8 weeks, so you don't have to sit by your puter and keep refreshing to see what I've decided. I expect you'll have plenty of time.
Stay tuned...

A Tisket, A Tasket BOM from Bunny Hill Designs.
I modified the design pretty seriously on this one - the original had a bunny 'hopping' through the basket (you'll see it if you click on the link and scroll down a bit). The problems is that the, uh, strings? Stems? Whatever they are, somebody commented that it looked like the bunny was being hanged (!) and I couldn't see it any other way after that. Et voilá - redesign.
There is still a bunny in there and I got to include a four-leaf clover too, for good measure.

Helen had asked me to show my white board. Nothing really exciting - this is hanging on the wall behind the door of my sewing closet (feeling a bit hemmed in these days!). It has the measurements of the scraps I need for two quilts I'm kitting, important dates, what (in theory) I want to accomplish in the short-term, and usually the track number of the CD I'm listening to at the time.
Another successful month with the
Calendar Quilt Challenge.
shhhh! I'll tell you a secret, just between you and me: I didn't even start the block until the 25th! I know! Of course I double-whammied with
Ellie's Country Calendar while I was at it. I'm loving the block that Ellie designed for this month.

And yes - I just admitted it in front of Bill and everybody: It's after April first.
New BOM blocks have been posted and I'm not ready!!
I'm falling behind in the Red Delicious BOM. Five blocks have been posted and I've only finished two. :sigh: I have the fusible for the third block traced - it's just pulling fabrics and getting started that I need to do now.
My UFO Challenge, on the other hand, doesn't have me quite so optimistic. February's 'goal' was to border and baste a specific UFO. I got the border on, chose the backing and pulled out batting, but that's as far as I got. March's 'goal' was to put the blocks together, border and baste yet a different UFO - my Floral Disappearing 9-patch. Well, uh... yeah. I decided on an on-point layout. That means I had to cut setting triangles. Then I got all "organized" with the blocks and the design finished before I ran out of quilt - I had HUGE corner triangles to fill. I finally decided on additional rows to fill in a bit (and that required making more blocks). That's all done now - but I still haven't done a border or backing or basting. I know a picture is worth a thousand words (
too late!! muhahahahah!!!), but I'm leaving the Disappearing 9 Patch (D9P) un-pic'ed for awhile yet. It'll get it's own post eventually.
So, back the the UFO Challenge: now it's April and I have yet ANOTHER 'goal'.
You know, I'm not too torn up about not reaching the goals for the UFO Challenge. The group I'm doing it with is nothing but supportive and I have to be honest with myself: I wouldn't have gotten ANY work done on these UFO's if I wasn't challenging myself, so I'm okay with not getting ALL of it done.
"When the sky is a bright canary yellow, I forget every cloud I've ever seen..." It's okay if no one but my mom knows where that came from or why it's here!Labels: quilting

At 4/02/2009 11:25 PM, Babbled Back:
heh .. i recognize one of those ..but mine's a WISP LOL
aitcf - well I have the first one done, but not the mini done yet and are you ready for this .. it just needs borders .. and it'sa MINI for crying out loud .. now - how sad is THAT!
At 4/06/2009 1:58 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
Your basket block is so neat. I am behind on the red delicious blocks too.
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