Totally Tickled
February 06, 2009
That's a promise I'll have no trouble keeping. "To Hell and Back" by Lilith Saintcrow ♦♦♦◊◊
Well, actually, Two Things That Totally Tickled Me on Tuesday:
First off, for possibly the first time in my life, I was at the mall when it opened at 10 a.m. Not because I'm a shop-a-holic, but because Border's was marking down some of their Christmas/Winter goods to
90% off. I had been saving my pocket change (77 cents every Thursday, plus various and sundry) since the beginning of the year and I decided to spend my largesse :snort: at Border's.
On this.

Yes indeed ladies and gents, you're looking at
eleven blank books/journals. I have already given three books to J2 (she'd tossed $2.50 at me the previous weekend for that purpose) and one to Miss Sunshine.
According to my receipt, I got 15 books for $136.85, then they applied a $123.17 discount. Total was $13.68 before taxes.
Getting a stack of blank books is enough to make me do a happy dance. Getting that many and seeing that kind of savings? Over the moon!!
The second event that totally tickled me on Tuesday: On Sunday our church is having its annual meeting. Now, that sounds like a huge yawn, I know, but for some strange reason at this church the annual meeting ends up being one of the best parties of the year. (I know! Go figure.) Vestry members and members of clergy each 'host' a table and choose a theme for the table. Then we decorate the table and potluck according to the theme (some people even
dress according to theme).
This year I have been fortunate to be placed at
Mo. Kathleen's table. That's tickly enough - but the theme she has chosen?
Seriously? How could it be any more perfect??? Although she could have asked for any item on my Thanksgiving menu
and I would not have had to go shopping* she narrowed it down and asked me to bring pumpkin pies.
Now, anyone who's read my blog for more than 2 months probably doesn't question why this would make me so giddy!
I have an email out to Mo. K. to ask if our dress code includes aprons... (I truly don't know if I could contain myself if she said yes!)
* Just to be precise, because J2 reads my blog occasionally: I did go shopping, but for spices (grand total, eleven cents). And it's not that I don't have the pumpkin pie spices. It's that my spice containers are holding the spices hostage and I can't get the containers opened!Labels: babble, books

At 2/07/2009 6:44 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
Doncha love weeks like that! Totally makes life good.
LOVE the Borders loot...WOW!
At 2/11/2009 3:08 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
Well, I'm going to Border's tomorrow because I didn't know of this sale and I just found some awesome book cover patterns that would turn those babies into Birthday/ I love you/ I miss you...etc.etc.etc. gifts. Oh, yeah! Hope we don't have another Ms T in Nashua, or she might have hoarded them all up and left nothin' for us late folk! Ahem, LOL!
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