Just a Scrap Quilt
January 06, 2009
"And partners," she added. "The Concubine's Tattoo" by Laura Joh Rowland ♦♦◊◊◊

The latest collaboration of J2 and me, for the Twelfth Night fundraiser at our church. 18x24", stretched and wired for hanging. Over 700 pieces that finish to ¾"; approximately 90 fabrics, at least 7 mono, metallic and rayon threads used for the quilting. Winners of the silent auction are fellow ding-a-lings (yay!).
It's titled
Cygnus Rising and it's our take on Seven Swans a'Swimming, from the 12 Days of Christmas (you got that Twelfth Night reference already, didn't you?).
There's all kinds of interesting (to me) stuff about the Cygnus (swan) constellation - it was fun researching a quilting design. The line drawing of the design is at the bottom of this post. And yes, I put in all of the stars and names of stars in the quilting as it shows in the line drawing. Except Vega. I forgot Vega. Oops.
Pics aren't clickable yet - I don't have the large versions. I'll edit when they become available.

(clickable)Labels: quilting

At 1/06/2009 8:07 PM, Julie Babbled Back:
Pretty quilt! I love the quilting you did on it.
At 1/06/2009 10:30 PM, Babbled Back:
stunning absolutely stunning!!!!!!
WTG and great job!!!
At 1/15/2009 7:58 AM, Hilde C. Babbled Back:
Wow, what a beautiful quilt! :-)
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