Awww, Come ON...
January 02, 2009

This is what I woke up to this morning. I am NOT amused. Some of it melted, but then it froze hard - Puppy-butt walked
on top of the 3-4" of snow/ice without breaking through.

We celebrated our Christmas on New Year's Day - presents, family, friends and lotsa food.

I finally got the kids' Winter Gifts mailed off on Tuesday, December 30. There will be more pics of the stuff I made for them, I expect - let me update you on the "Chowder" ensemble for my granddaughter.
The scarf was done on the ISM; the contrast is a crochet chain threaded through the edges and little crochet-chain butterflies knitted in. (Kinda cute, huh?)
I have at least three more posts' worth of stuff that I just
have to share, but they'll have to wait until I have a little more time or until I forget what was so stinkin' important.
I just realized that I need to make a wordle for December. Yeah. I'll get to it eventually. This "quick" blog post has already taken over an hour... and I've got stuff to do!
Happy New Year, everyone. I hope that this year is better than last year and that we can all stay safe, compassionate and a little bit quirky.
Oh, a little p.s. to
those who may be wondering -
I got my sweatshirt! (shh!) It's
Labels: babble, ism

At 1/03/2009 7:07 AM, Julie Babbled Back:
It is just rainy and foggy here. Dreary. I love the Chowder ensemble.
At 1/03/2009 10:18 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
Oh how I can relate. I feel your pain...hang in there, Spring is coming! =)
At 1/06/2009 2:10 AM, Babbled Back:
STFU!!!!! LMAOPIMP!!!!! how bloody coo is THAT! awesome shirt!!! I LOVE it!!!!! SWEET!
sorry bout the snow T . not good at all .. i feel for you .. i really do .. we are looking for a hit this weekend too maybe .. wanna pray it's before sat and after sun as I'll be traveling this weekend ..
damital .. stupid blogger .. i think it ate my comment ..awww
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