Red Faced
December 08, 2008
"Like it?" "The Coroner's Lunch" by Colin Cotterill ♦♦♦♦◊

First off, my face is red and I am just mortified that I haven't yet shared with you all that
Julie gave me an award before Thanksgiving. Yes, I was sick (yay! Today I finally got full taste facilities back!), but I have managed to write a couple of blog posts since then and I just flat forgot to thank her publicly!
Thank you,
Julie, for your kind words about my blog and for thinking of me for the award. Obviously sometimes I don't deserve so much consideration. ;-)
My mother really did raise me better than that.
I've been working on Christmas gifts - and switching between yarny goodness and fabric and thread. This translates to "I've been doing a little bit on a lot of projects so I don't have very much to show for it YET."
I did finish my granddaughter's hat this evening. Once I got the embellishment done and stuck it on StyroQueen for pictures, I realized how freakin' cute this thing is.

There is only ONE hat, but I did a collage thing because I couldn't choose just one picture to post! And StyroQueen's face is quite red for this post, too - nighttime lighting wreaks havoc with 'real' colors, so to get the aqua close to what it actually looks like I had to do some tweaking.

The yarn is Red Heart Kids aqua and TLC Amore purple. Started with 72 stitches on US 10 knitting needles. There will be a coordinating scarf eventually, too.
The granddaughter's request was for a hat "like Chowder's" -
Chowder is a cartoon character. I told The Girl that Chowder's hat looks like a pair of bloomers - so I was going for something in that neighborhood. I supposed I could have gotten it more bloomer-y, but you know what? This silly thing just makes me grin whenever I look at it!
Labels: holiday, knitting

At 12/09/2008 7:05 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
Congrats on the award!
And that hat!!! It is so c-ute!!! I love it. I should find myself a crocheted version.
Thanks a lot, T! (There may or may not be sarcasm in that choose.) lol
At 12/09/2008 12:30 PM, Babbled Back:
oops - I got one from ginny too just before i got sick .. not this one, but another one .. i'd better do that post tonite
LOVE LOVE LOVE the hat .. that is just wayyyy to adorable - hmmm bells maybe???
At 12/10/2008 12:14 AM, Babbled Back:
I do like the look of this hat, its one thing i dont have many of is hats, need to learn how to make them.
Take care
At 12/10/2008 11:43 AM, Edna Babbled Back:
That hat is just toooo cute!!
At 12/12/2008 8:40 PM, Julie Babbled Back:
I love the hat and it does look like Chowder's! (I watch it with my kids.) You're welcome for the award. Of course, you deserve it!
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