Okay, I'm Done With This
December 20, 2008
"Daughter of Zeus." "The Sea of Monsters" by Richard Riordan ♦♦♦♦◊
Well, I've had finished projects to blog about. We're having multiple back-to-back Weather Events that are fairly blog-worthy. I've been stressing myself, though, and nothing is actually getting clicked out at the keyboard.

I finished the scarf to go with my grandson's Sk8tr Hat. Knit on the ISM, KP4.
Both of these items are knit in Red Heart - the classic stuff. Info for The Girl: The scarf has been "killed" - I steamed it heartily (and more than once) to stop the curling on the edges and to soften it up. The iron was on the lowest setting it could be at and still create steam - I did NOT touch the yarn with the iron, I just hovered close and hit the "spit-steam" button a lot, then didn't move it at all until it was completely cool and dry.
The cable-ish edging is from Susan Guagliumi's Hand-Manipulated Stitches for Machine Knitters book (pp. 147-148). I've used this edging on a number of stockinette-knit items. It doesn't completely kill the curl, but it's a good start.
Did I tell you that I actually
wrote out what I did to knit the Sk8tr Hat? I did. I even
started a new blog in the über-optimistic expectation of needing to have a place to put other how-to posts. I suppose it's no surprise that it's called
FiberBabble Says. I found the perfect template design (
after I'd picked the name, even!) over at
There are many more finished projects to share, but I haven't uploaded the pictures yet... plus I'm going to have to find a way to share with my readers and still hide certain posts or pictures from family members!

At J2's house, before the storm arrived.
So, then there's the weather. Ice, ice, sun, snow, snow/ice, snow/ice, snow. That's my last 7 days. I've been able to leave my house once (on Tuesday) in that time. Apparently yesterday there was a 1-hour window that our roads were clear, but my driveways weren't, so...
Taken from my back door.I live on the side of hill ( I'm reminded of that old Marie Osmond song that has the line, "We're stuck here in these hills that they call mountains"). So, anyway, when it snows or ices, we get kinda stuck here at home. We don't own chains or snow tires, because it usually only happens one or two days a year and it's normally not a problem to just hibernate then.

Three snow-days ago.
But this is becoming ridiculous. If you were to click-to-big, you might be able to see that there's a 4-foot slope/drop/terrace from the passenger door to my neighbor's garden. There are similar elevation differences for at least 6 more houses before we reach something that's comparatively level. Heck, the parking at the back of the house is over 2' higher than the parking at the front of the house - and our back fence is 12' higher than the front of the house.
My main frustration is that I'm missing bell practices, and Christmas Eve services are a big hurkin' deal for us ding-a-lings. Mr. W. wasn't able to go in to work last night, because of the ice.
Unfortunately, he decided to walk down to the mailbox. He took a pretty hard fall, just 2 houses down the hill from us. He's pretty sore. Apparently nothing's broken but he did some serious wrenching. Poor guy. It was scary - especially when I started wondering how long it would have taken me to go looking for him had he not been able to limp home.
I've also not been able to get The Girl her birthday present (the 18th - hippo birdie again - I love you!) and I've had to embrace the idea of "Winter Gifts" rather than "Christmas Gifts", since I'm past the time that I'm able to mail these gifts in time to reach the kids by Christmas day.
I guess a silver lining is that I had some extra hours to work on the "Winter Gifts" since I couldn't go anywhere else.
So, anyway? I'm SO over this. If I was all wiggly about getting a White Christmas, I woulda made sure we bought a house on flat-land. And I would bought chains or snow tires.
Make it stop!!Labels: babble, knitting

At 12/22/2008 6:58 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
Love the red and white sk8tr set! Very cool!
Isn't this weather just nuts?! Whatever you get...I soon receive too. And this coming from the girl that used to love winter and storms: "I agree with T! Make it stop!"
Stay safe. Stay warm.
At 12/22/2008 11:14 AM, Linda Babbled Back:
Ok, I'm sorry I never comment but I do read you constantly. I love your blog and I laugh with you not at you all the time....I like your hat and scarf. Very cute. I'm sorry about the weather and I know it's driving you crazy but haven't you gotten alot done? Two things, I went to your other blog (your new one where you just have the hat posted) and I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn't let me. You might check on that...And the other thing is I just wanted to tell you Merry Christmas to you and yours. I look forward to reading more or you next year and laughing more. Be safe and don't go falling down in that weather! Hugs, Linda
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