London Bridge, Take 2
November 22, 2008
I asked Argus to take me down to cabin three, so I could pack my bags for home. "The Lightning Thief" by Richard Riordan ♦♦♦♦◊
Same number of stitches, size US10 needles (instead of the usual 10.5 for adults). New-to-me
tubular cast on, courtesy of Knitting Daily.

Maybe the third time will be a charm.
I've also discovered that I have some sort of pinched nerve action happening. Or, as J2 would say, "a musculoskeletal event". There is not one chair in my house that doesn't make me numb or tingly somewhere in my hands, arms or shoulders if I sit for more than 10 minutes. Knitting or not.
It has been suggested to me (and it makes sense) that the weight placed on my "shoulda" muscles by my bra straps could be causing the problem. Well, I got all semi-scientific to test such theory. Don't worry, I closed all the drapes and didn't turn on the radio (less of a temptation to boogie-on-down) so the black-eye potential was minimized.
The results were negative, in more ways than one. I realized I'm wearing a wool sweater.
Since I'm ringing tomorrow at church, maybe I'll just stretch out on the couch and watch a video. It wouldn't do for the mad bell-slinger to show up with a numb or tingly hand, now would it?
I wonder if they still sell those boot things that you hang upside down from to take the pressure off your spine? I'd check the local Goodwill but I wouldn't even know what I was looking for!
Labels: knitting

At 11/23/2008 8:20 AM, Julie Babbled Back:
I hope the bell ringing went well.
At 11/28/2008 3:14 PM, Babbled Back:
T you kill me .. **znerk
they are called gravity boots or inversion boots .. they are showing them on tv late at nite, can't remember the name of them, but if i do, i'll be sure to shoot you a message
good luck on the hat .. i might do a toque for reg and kyle both, we'll just have to see
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