Flower Power
October 28, 2008
Bosch helped his partner up and out of the car, and they walked to the paramedics. "The Overlook" by Michael Connelly ♦♦♦♦◊
I got nothing. Well, actually, I've been arse-deep in Disappearing 9-Patch blocks and layouts, but I'm not ready to report on the epic undertaking.
Oh! Yes, I do have something. I've been reading J.D. Robb in the past couple of weeks. BIG score - the book before last, "Born into Death", while a murder mystery, had segments that made me laugh so hard there were tears rolling down my face. If you get the opportunity to read it - or
better yet listen to the audio book read by Susan Ericksen - go for it.
I ran across this... a convoluted path, starting with
QuiltArt Journals, then some sort of (old)
challenge about taking the quiz and then making a quilt-let based upon the answer. I think it's a cool thing to consider, even though the challenge is over. Maybe some of the gals over at
OST would be up for a bit of an artistic stretch...
I ran across a
hat pattern on Ravelry that interests me. It's not
felted, so there might be some possibility that it will be a successful project.
I've been at the computer for a large portion of the day (shame on me!), but I've gotten some stuff - none of it particularly entertaining - accomplished. Tomorrow it's back to Disappearing 9-Patches. Or maybe machine quilting something. I'm getting the urge.
Labels: babble, books

At 10/28/2008 11:33 AM, Babbled Back:
hmmm flowers = applique .. that's carmen's bailywick ..
**runs ..
love the quilt journal idea .. been rather tossing that idea around in the back of my head .. but to many other projects biting my nose right now ;) .. maybe for 2007
At 10/28/2008 7:01 PM, Julie Babbled Back:
I have been meaning to try disappearing 9 patch. Maybe soon!!
At 10/29/2008 9:54 AM, Kyla Nicole Babbled Back:
I'm a daffodil: "You have a sunny disposition and are normally one of the first to show up for the party. You don't need too much attention from the host once you get there as you are more than capable of making yourself seen and heard."
At 10/30/2008 6:51 PM, Edna Babbled Back:
Hiya... Just popping in to say HELLO!! I procrastinate too, just in case you hadn't gathered that from my blog yet. hehehe I love the hat pattern, its very cute. Trouble is, I can't stand to wear a hat of any kind and I seem to have passed that gene on to my kids and grandkids. Guess that means I'm safe from getting the knitting bug, for now. LOL
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