Because I Don't Have Enough Commitments
October 05, 2008
The trouble would be talking both myself and Japhrimel into it. "The Devil's Right Hand" by Lilith Saintcrow (New - Click the title for my review of the book. Tonya.)The first of a series of "Scenic" BOM* from the
Carol Doak Quilting Group Yahoo! group, designed by
Carol Doak, paper foundation piecing icon.

I'm fairly new to the group, and I don't chat there hardly at all, but I thought I'd jump in on this one; maybe if I actually sew the BOM the same day I download it, I'll actually be able to keep up. Or not. Who knows?
Oh, hey, I just realized! I actually followed the pattern with
NO changes on this one! Yes, Virginia, it
can be done!
*For non-quilters, or maybe just non-crafters: BOM stands for Block (or Blocks) Of [the] Month.
I also finished a POP Block. This is designed by
Carmen, our fearless leader over at the
One Stitch at a Time Yahoo! group. It's the first in a series of I-don't-recall-how-many 18" blocks. The intent is to put them all together before the holidays, and end up with a gift.

clickableI'm not sure if I'll do all of the POP Blocks in the same color combinations. I did the cutting and piecing as Carmen wrote the pattern, except for 1 thing: I replaced the four orange squares that were to be in the middle with the one print square. I ended up doing quite a bit of seam snipping and re-aligning - with this color combination, there's not much room to fudge on the triangle points!
Labels: quilting

At 10/05/2008 7:34 PM, Babbled Back:
well at least if you are sewing them up as you download them, they don't become a collectable
**runs ..
At 10/06/2008 5:01 AM, Strlady Babbled Back:
That's wonderful; it looks like a tree by the side of a road. I love it!You go girl!
At 10/09/2008 11:16 AM, Quilter Kathy Babbled Back:
Great job on the PP block!
I want to join in on this project too...seems like lots of fun. I have printed out the pattern, but haven't done much else yet.
You were fast!!
At 10/19/2008 11:15 PM, Babbled Back:
The blue and orange are working well together on this block, i like it very much
At 10/30/2008 12:48 AM, Tonya Ricucci Babbled Back:
hey, that was a fakeout - no review!!! love the colors in this block
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