Autumn Has Fallen
October 20, 2008
"See you then." "Silent Partner" by Jonathan Kellerman ♦♦♦◊◊
Autumn Has Fallen. Doesn't have quite the panache of "Spring Has Sprung", does it? The more I preview this post (and I'll still probably miss a typo), the more I'm convinced that it not only lacks panache, it also lacks originality. It's a good thing that I find myself so entertaining, isn't it?
I thought I was feeling better, but I'm not. Anybody want to play
House with me? Muscle ache (arse-draggin'), un-fixable tiredness, icky tummy and a desire to eat things that are made of milk or cream. Oh, sorry. This is a Fiber Babble blog, not Diagnoses R Us...
So without further ado...

My Autumn wallhanging, from an Art to Heart book. Traced, cut and fused
last autumn, it finally became properly aged and I sewed down the appliqué pieces, quilted and bound it. (Click to big and to see all of the
warts er, stitching)
Contrary to what the picture may have you believe, this baby's so wonderfully square and plumb and all of those other "inline" adjectives, I scared myself. Heck, it's even got a hanging sleeve! I don't know what happened to me, but this one
might even pass muster by the Quilt Police! :snort: Nah. I'm kidding - about the Quilt Police, not about the square-itude of it all.
The size is a bit over 14x10". I have an acorn button or two that I bought to embellish with, but it seems to be in A Safe Place for now. I have no doubt I'll find the button. Just about the time I start thinking about putting up a winter or Christmas quilt in it's place.
Back to the picture quality, here in the Pacific Northwest we have a saying: "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute." In the spring and fall that could be changed to 'wait a couple of seconds'. I took probably 25 pictures of this silly thing. During that time I got rained on, then the sun came out and overexposed some shots and I was snapping as fast as I could as a cloud flitted past and over the sun. None of the pictures do it justice, but I took the best of the lot.
In other news, there is some goings on in the land o'Blogs. First off, Michelle of
Michelle's Quilts & Stuff is having a giveaway to celebrate HER birthday. Go on over and comment on
this post and you might win a set of "
13 patterns from Pearl Louise Designs Banner of the Month Club". Cool, huh? Hurry, though! She's drawing on the 21st - and that's tomorrow!
My friend
Brenda is having a mysterious Halloween giveaway - you can leave a comment and enter
here. Looks like the drawing is on Thursday (the 23rd). If you're lucky enough to win, you won't be disappointed, I'm sure!
Oh! And I won something in a drawing! - but I'm not going to say any more until I have a picture or two to share.

But wait! There's more! There was that Put-Your-Sunglasses-On POP Block from my OST Yahoo! group
awhile back. I made another one (also awhile back):
I've learned that there will be 12 POP blocks (all 18" finished). I've already decide I'll do fewer than the twelve blocks (much to
Carmen's dismay). I have the fabric picked out for #3 (or, at least the third one I'm doing - I've lost track) but the whole focus thing comes in spits and spurts these days.
There will be yarn-ish pics coming up soon. I think I'll just get my Ott Light out and take them rather than waiting for decent natural light.
Happy Autumn!
Labels: quilting

At 10/20/2008 5:04 PM, Babbled Back:
cute wall hanging there T .. you forgot the sunglass alert on your pop blocks :)
and i'm sure that carmen will understand bout not doing all of them .. looks great!!
At 10/20/2008 8:17 PM, Julie Babbled Back:
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Love your fall wall hanging.
At 10/21/2008 1:37 PM, Darcie Babbled Back:
lol You're not the only one finding you entertaining!
I think your Autumn is adorable...warts or not.
Hope you are able to get rid of that nasty stuff before too long. You know...they say that homemade chicken noodle soup has healing powers....
Looking forward to some yarniness!
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