Slight Nod
September 14, 2008
It didn't matter. "Dead Man Rising" by Lilith Saintcrow.(About the last lines thing? I'm reading faster than I'm blogging - I have a whole bunch of 'em saved up!)
Here it is, the finished TOP (not basted or quilted) that I've been working on and randomly titled SNuBS - Slight Nod to Boxy Stars. Again, this started with the
Boxy Stars blocks from Quiltville and... well, let's be honest. There was a serious lack of control.

This ended up at about 67" square. In a nod to L (if I nod much more I'll be like a bobble-head doll), it's a Lap Tarp. The border is a dark red print.
If J2 will let me, I'll load on her quilting frame and quilt it with her machine.
No fabric was
purchased for this project, rather it was already in my stash and/or in my scrap basket. A few of the 3½" squares were from J, who has semi-permanently loaned me
her scrap box so that I can raid it for lights.
I've put the
Farmer's Log Cabin (I just named it that right now) on the design wall now. I need to place some more appliqué sunflowers and go over the redwork again with the thicker, redder thread.
I'm still working on kitting up scraps for the
Arlington Square quilt and the
Happy New Year quilt (4 or 5 up from the bottom of the page, or the pdf is
here). I have a wallhanging's worth of Boxy Stars that didn't make it to this quilt, plus a pile of Bonus HSTs that were produced by SNuBS.
I've also been knitting when I need to give my back a break from the sewing machine. My granddaughter's cardigan is getting very close to finished... eventually there will be a picture, but right now it just looks like a big blob o'bubble gum.
Labels: quilting

At 9/15/2008 1:48 AM, Unknown Babbled Back:
Oh tracy ..
i just love it .. great job and yes .. her designs tend to run to the busy .. almost ADD so LOL
i LOVE it!!
At 9/15/2008 3:31 AM, Joyce Babbled Back:
Love those boxy stars. I don't much believe in following patterns exactly either. I look at them as a jumping off point.
At 9/16/2008 2:56 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
OMG! I'm lovin' it! And stashbusting too? Well, you go girl! Woo-HOO! When I grow up I'm gonna make big quilts like you! =)
At 9/16/2008 2:06 PM, Kyla Nicole Babbled Back:
The border looks brown in teh pic...maybe it's just this computer? Anyway, that's a preatty nice quilt, there; it looks very intricate.
And for the record, I'm starting on a quilt (*GASP!*) for my good friend, who just had a baby boy. I'm using half square triangles in a gren to greenish-turquoise colorway. So, you know, if you're looking to get rid of any of those... ;)
(p.s. I tried to call math sucks, and I can't figure out how big to cut my triangles to end up with a finished block size of 3 inches *HELP!*)
At 9/17/2008 1:08 AM, grammaP Babbled Back:
I love it too! I think this one and "Patty's Quilt" are my favorites. Just not my colors....and that is NOT a hint.
At 9/17/2008 4:15 PM, Sweet P Babbled Back:
I love you SNuBS quilt! Great job!
At 9/17/2008 6:20 PM, Candace Babbled Back:
It's beautiful, and even nicer since it's an original and unique.
At 9/23/2008 4:29 AM, Katie Babbled Back:
"Lap tarp!" You are too funny. :-)
At 9/25/2008 7:24 AM, Quilter Kathy Babbled Back:
Love your new quilt and the very creative title you gave it!
At 9/25/2008 9:56 AM, Edna Babbled Back:
Your SNuBS quilt is gorgeous!! Love it! Wish I had the vision to put something like that together but, alas, I am definately a "follow the pattern for the most part" person. About all I manage to change might be a border or two. lol
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