September 22, 2008
"I think I need a really fast car." "Heat Stroke" by Rachel CaineWell, the lack of blog posting is directly related to the lack of photographs that I've taken in the past week or two.
I finished the apron for Mo. Kathleen and presented it, a copy of her sermon that inspired it (eta:
here is the pdf transcription), and a cookbook (sorry, Ky - yours will be in the mail when I get Lifesaver's pressie sent)(which will possibly not be until his actual birthday)(Especially if I keep spending my free time either in front of the puter or sleeping...).
Where was I? Oh, yeah. The apron is
the same pattern as the one I did for the Summer Apron Swap. You can see a picture of that one
here. Kathleen's didn't get the same embellishments or pocket, and the fabrics were opposite (print where there was stripes, stripes where there was print). I took my camera but didn't get a picture. It's too bad, too - the apron fit her like a flippin' glove. And she was pretty happy with it, too.
I've been working on
my granddaughter's cardigan. I'm in the home stretch, but last night I realized that I've either added a row or skipped one and that made my stockinette turn into garter stitch. For her mom's reference, when I say I'm "in the home stretch", the thing is knit from the bottom up (ugh) and the problem was between the third and fourth row of eyelets. See? It's getting close! This is what happens when I read while knitting and don't actually LOOK at the stitches. Fortunately, the problem can be remedied by frogging two or three rows.
Speaking of reading, I've read 45 books since June 9. I have NOT written 45 blog posts. This explains why I have so many more last lines (sentences) saved up than blog posts to hold them. Just sayin'. Currently I'm reading Rex Stout (Nero Wolfe), John Sandford and Rachel Caine.
And speaking of Nero Wolfe? The
A&E TV show really stuck close to the books, down to the color of Wolfe's shirt and the decor of his den. It's easy to visualize the characters when reading the books. And, I'm sorry
Timothy Hutton, I love you in 'most everything I've seen but you'll always be Archie Goodwin to me.
Did you know that Timothy Hutton has
a new show on TNT scheduled to air in December? Scuttlebutt is that it won't last two seasons, but I'll certainly check it out.
And looking for the link to the A&E site? I found that there's a
non-Chaykin Wolfe and a
1936 stab at a series and an American
network TV series of Nero Wolfe. Somewhere I even saw something about Russian movies. Wow, how did I miss those? Now to decide if I want to take the risk of watching anything other than my beloved and familiar A&E episodes...
Sheesh. Nero Wolfe-mania. Not really.
Let's see... what's on my camera? Oh. A fabric that I need 1/2 yard of to finish a quilt. I got it from Joann Fabrics within the last year. It's a Fabric Traditions fabric. Yes, I've gone to multiple websites looking for the fabric, it's as though it never existed. Some wonderful people I know have remembered to check for the fabric when they visited their Joann's in various parts of the U.S. Feel free to keep an eye open for the fabric at Joann's or Hobby Lobby or Beverly's or Fabric Depot (among other places that theoretically carried it) or your stash...

Plain yellow is a post-it note for color referenceAnnie posted
a meme that tickled my fancy. I'm working on it... I'll probably use that for my next "Hey! I'm not lying in a ditch!" post.
Oh, and today's the equinox. We've already missed the optimum time for
eggs, but it will work for a good part of the day, still. (Some say that it will work
any day of the year, but that takes all the
fun outta Egg Day)
Labels: babble, books

At 10/05/2008 12:53 AM, Tonya Ricucci Babbled Back:
I haven't read any of the Nero Wolfe novels but I loved the A&E series too with Chaykin and Hutton. So bummed they didn't make more.
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