Failed Multi-Tasker
August 08, 2008
No fiber. No pictures. No rant.I'm sitting here, trying to multi-task while watching the Parade of Nations in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I'm having problems with the multi part - I just want to sit right up next to the tv screen and cheer and get all choked up and marvel at what beautiful women there are all over the world...
No, this isn't a Girl Power post. It is just striking when looking at the women marching in, representing their country - and, I don't know, but maybe they're chosen for their looks in addition to their athletic ability, but
damn. Bee-yoo-tee-ful women.
Both the women and the men, so proud, many with zillion-watt smiles. It cracks me up to see some of the 'guys' waving their video recorders around, taking pictures of the people taking pictures of them.
For some of these people, this is IT.
The IT. What they've been working for, probably for their entire lives. They may only get these precious few seconds of air time, but that's okay. Next time we see them, they may be getting whupped in their event, or they may be the ones doing the whupping. But for now? They have arrived - the world is watching them, sharing their joy in this incredible time of their lives.
(Oh, and that flag bearer from Denmark? One big hunka-hunka-testosterone. Woof.)
Labels: babble

At 8/09/2008 2:51 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
I didn't watch; too many hormones makes this worse than a wedding (where even if I don't know the bride I am in tears!) I'm such a sap!
After reading your post I feel all sappy, thanks Missy!(Can you see me rollin' the eyes here?) LOL!
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