We'll Follow the Old Man...
March 24, 2008
(Yeah, the title is a bit of an inside joke. Possibly just inside MY brain - sorry.)
Okay, the SQP is finished. There will be pictures. I just need to recover a bit first.
In some of the downtime (itty bits at a time), I picked up yarn and needles. Mr. W. is making noise again/still about going back to North Dakota. I know it's officially spring now, but in
dread anticipation of moving eventually to a place that is cold beyond my comprehension, I decided to knit wool things.

Do you think I can make myself look so silly that he will re-think the whole moving thing?
(Yeah, click it. It gets BIGGER.)
Details: Nosewarmer, 2nd Generation from "Knit Wit" by Amy Singer. Hat is my own thang, a double-rolled brim stocking cap (eventually I'll write down the "pattern"). Stitch/color patt is from Barbara Walker's Treasury Book 1. 'Royal Quilting', pg. 72. Yarns, Passport "London" in oatmeal (aka color # 507.731) and Paton Classic Wool Merino in denim (the old standby).
I also did some serious math and measuring, then cast on for the back of the Cable Vee sweater that is (for now) so far just a pair of sleeves. News at 11... (or something like that)
Labels: knitting

At 3/26/2008 11:13 AM, Kyla Nicole Babbled Back:
.....because a ski mask would look too dorky? O_o lol!
What is this ND talk, huh? Idk, I think you could handle the cold. You make quilts. You knit. Your son-in-law has access to infinite sets of polypro Army snow-gear (think long-johns on steroids).
I think if anyone is prepared to live in a snowy climate, you are!
Oooh...think of how fun it will be to knit Scully a little wardrobe of warm things X]
We would still come visit you, of course. I've never been to ND...Is there an Army post up there? Hmmm....
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