Knittin's Happenin'
February 04, 2008

Yes, I'm doing more than just playing with apron patterns. These are the sleeves (2 at once!) from my Cable Vee Sweater.
This is my tv-watchin' project. Pattern,
Cameo V-Neck Pullover by Sandi Rosner. Yarn, Elann Endless Summer "Connemara" (cotton).
Notice that the cables are mirrored? That's my first modification. (heh) I'vejust finished increasing - I have a few more rows to go before making the sleeve cap. This is NOT a quick knit for me. Not because it's difficult - seriously I am WATCHING tv while knitting it - but because I haven't actually been watching much tv lately!
Totally OT and confusing to most - Torchwood episode "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang". ::sigh:: Oh, my.
In other knitting news, the stealth project that should have been done over a month ago (!) is almost there. I spent 6 hours working on it today (probably why I've spent a good portion of the evening sitting in front of the puter...). I just have some handwork to do and blocking.
You know, it's not actually that big a deal. It won't even be all that impressive when I get to post pictures. It's just that it's so LATE and I've been procrastinating.
Heck, yesterday I even disassembled my (other) puter, disconnected peripherals, stored away unused equipment, got rid of MAJOR dust (OMG), reconfigured my connections, filed away papers and heaven knows what that were stacked up around the puter and overtaking the dining room table. I even vaccuumed. With the attachments to get into the crease between the carpet and the wall. And the brush to get the drapes. And get the cobwebs down.
Uh-huh. You got it. Procrastination by Cleaning. Not one of my proudest moments (but the dining room sure looks nice now!)
Labels: knitting

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