The Apron Swap is a GO!
February 01, 2008

Yep, that's it - I'm in, I've sent in my info and I've gotten info about the my swap-ee. Woot!
The person for whom I am making an apron is not making an apron for me, so I'm allowed to show progress (when there is some) right here on the blog, and my swap-ee won't know it's for her.
Of course, I think Lucy said that there were over 150 participants in the swap. What are the chances that my swap-ee will randomly click on my blog listing (SO not at the top of the list or at the bottom of the list!) and see "her" apron? Yeah, that's what I thought, too.
Now, having said that, I'm not going to blurt out her name, or link to her blog. Well, I might link to her blog sometime, but it will be under another guise (she does some cool stuff!).
Okay. So here's my plan. (Mom, stop laughing. You know I have to have A Plan so I can re-think it and go to Plan B.) I've decided on the color. It's even one of the colors in the Swap Button. That's probably a mistake. I have it clearly in my head, and of course that means I won't be able to find it when I go shopping. Oh... moving on. I have two pattern choices (again in the ol' noggin). One might involve a quilt block.
Though I've decided on the color, I'm having some fabric anxiety. Some of my swap-ee's blog posts (I've read every single one!) have made much ado over a specific type of fabric, I think it's referred to as "Aunt Grace" or "30s Repros" or "Flour Sack Prints".
Note to the wonderful and thoughtful person for whom I am the swap-ee:
I dislike, despise, DETEST Aunt Grace/30's/Flour Sack Prints.
Another note to the wonderful and thoughtful person... I am not completely insensitive (stop that laughing) and if you have already begun to create an apron for me from that type of fabric I will NOT be disgusted.
Why the inconsistency? Well, first off, I was taught to be thankful for things given to me. Secondly, I know that this is a labor of love. I know what kind of work goes into any kind of swap (because so many people are not confident in their skills and try extra hard when it's for someone else). And thirdly? It would be just plain RUDE.
Okay, back to my plan: Make prototypes of the two apron design ideas to decide which would be best, thereby allowing me to work out design kinks. Yeah, I know that I will then have to OWN these prototype aprons. I'll probably have to wear them to see if they work. ::sigh:: Two new aprons. The sacrifices we make for our art...
Labels: aprons, sewing

At 2/02/2008 5:20 AM, Sweet P Babbled Back:
I got my Apron swap partner last night too. This is going to be a fun swap.
At 2/06/2008 3:11 PM, trisha too Babbled Back:
I'm an apron swapper, too, and having a great time looking at all the blog links and wonderful stuff everyone makes--your blog is a hoot! :)
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