Christmas Pressie Preview #1 - Isaac
December 08, 2007

A sturdy apron suitable for mad scientists, budding chefs (and)or serious ar-teests!
Made from a leg of a pair of jeans (see the hem at the neck edge?), it was fairly simple, but boy did it take me a long time to do! I don't know why, but I am a sloooooooowwwwwwwwwww sewist.
This smaller version looks pretty grainy - click to biggify!

Oh! and check out Isaac's
Labels: holiday, sewing

At 2/25/2009 10:54 AM, Linda Babbled Back:
I love this idea. I made some aprons at Christmas but I have got to steal this idea and make one of these...too cute! I love the little doodlebug too. Hugs, Linda
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