Permission Granted
November 03, 2007
Back at the end of September,
Terry's 400th blog post did that V-8 smack on the head thing to me.
After reading her words of wisdom (sitting there looking like a bobble-head doll at the puter) I gave myself permission to not beat myself up about not posting daily to my blog. Like that's actually happened more than a few times, anyway...
I seem to have gone a bit overboard. No post in over a month? Sheesh. I have partially written posts, ready to polish up and publish. I have
not run out of opinions. I have even done things fabric- and yarn-related.
Though I feel the need to (for some reason), I'm not going to apologize. How about a quick catch-up, instead?
Quilting: The Big Quilt is fully pieced, machine quilted, and bound. Just need to deal with some wayward thread ends and a label, then it will be on it's way to The Girl and Lifesaver.
I went through some PIZL's (projects in zip-locs) today because I'm starting to get inspired to start something new. Oh, wait. If they've made it to a zip-loc, they're either
pre-cut and kitted-up designs or blocks that are so inspiring that they get a whole quilt to themselves. Seriously. Either way, I'm not sure that the PIZL's qualify as something new. Maybe just something
different. (That Big Quilt has been pretty much ALL of my sewing/quilting for, what? Three months? Four?)
Over on
CraftBits, there's a
Super Cool Wallet that's been calling out to me for awhile now. My current wallet is dumb. I mean, seriously - who thinks it's a good idea to create a wallet that is too short to hold un-folded paper money? If I wanted to crumple up my dollar bills, I'd just stick them in the pocket of my jeans, you know? And why is my wallet so heavy??? It's not holding a bunch of coins. Just (a very few!) dollar bills, a half dozen plastic cards and a picture of The Girl and Lifesaver.
Yeah, the Super Cool Wallet is definitely high on my list of things to do.
Then there's Kinda Bella. The sweater that was inspired by
Marnie MacLean's
Bella Paquita. I started it back in
June of 2006. It got just so far (boobs-up plus sleeves), then I sat it aside and starting working on the lace for the neckline. And about a hundred other things. I picked it up at the beginning of October again and for some reason decided to frog the whole thing (but not the lace - yet) and start over. I did. Got to the armpit, then decided to frog again. Dammit, I'm going to do this sweater. Really I am.
I lost a little over 10 pounds between the end of July and mid-September. Perfect timing, because toward the end of September I finally got a prescription for the transdermal (stop-smoking) patch. I'm halfway through the program. Haven't smoked. Only gained 1 pound. (yay, me!)
Then, last Saturday, Mr. W. helped me lose another pound or two - he cut my hair for me (that's usual, nothing particularly newsworthy about that). Because of my lack of direction to him and his desire to get every single hair
just so, my hair is now 8 inches shorter than it was when he/we started.
I am SO fine with that - it's shorter than I think it's ever been since he and I have been together. I am having so much fun with flinging my hair, marvelling at how much less time it's taking to dry, happy-dancing every night when I don't have to braid it before hitting the sheets. This is a good thing. (Can you tell the novelty hasn't worn off yet?)
Is there more to report? Oh, yeah - but for now we're off to dinner with some friends in Longview.
Labels: babble

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