Fire Up the Way-Back Machine
July 14, 2007

This quilt was begun
at least 6 years ago. Actually, it made it to completed top status at least 6 years ago, but sat in the UFO pile(s) through at least two moves, until it was "appropriately aged".
In January, I got on the UFO-finishing bug (don't we all?) and actually got the thing basted, then it hung around on my design wall (get it?
Hung Around. I'm so easily amused), taking a back seat to new pattern development and quilt classes.

Finally I came up with a quilting pattern and got most of it quilted. But it looked a bit sparse, quilting-wise, so I added some extra motifs. Still sparse, I added a couple of echo lines around the large motifs. (Clicking shows more-better quilting detail - someday I'll have to learn how to take great quilting detail pics.)
I have sooooooooo many more UFO's that are just waiting for basting and quilting. Hopefully they won't ALL have to endure the "appropriate aging" process. Of course, I can think of at least one other completed top that was well-aged when I started this one - maybe I should get it out and let IT hang around for awhile. That whole outta sight, outta mind thing is a bugger sometimes, you know?
Labels: quilting

At 7/14/2007 10:57 AM, Having a Knit Fitt Babbled Back:
Hi T, no worry, I understood what you meant. I like the stockinette parts of lace to look like stockinette.
As for UFO quilt tops, er, I have a few left from the 1970s. I guess they are vintage nowadays.
At 7/17/2007 5:43 PM, Finn Babbled Back:
Hi t, I linked over from Marcie's at Patchalot...curious about the 't'...*S*
Neat blog! Love the saga of the aging top, pre-basted and otherwise.
Your knitting is wonderful, way out of my league, but so pretty to look at. And what fun sandals you came up with!
You are working with fibers in so many ways. I'm mostly a quilter, altho I have done most needlecrafts except lacemaking. That one I'll just admire from over here. I'll be back to see what else you come up with. Hugs, Finn
At 7/19/2007 2:14 PM, N. Maria Babbled Back:
I beat you with the oldest WIP quilt top!! I started one in 1986!! I still have it, too. I am going to finish it before the year is up.....I hope.
I really don't understand the Zen thing either. It just sounded soothing. ;)
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