Oma's Ninja Gaiter
January 27, 2007
Done on the ISM in reverse stockinette, using Caron Simply Soft and edged with JoAnn's Angel Hair to match my fingerless gloves and scarf. Mouth opening (ostensibly) is to keep my glasses from fogging up while walking in the cold.

No. Those aren't my eyes. Apparently between the time I snapped the original pic and when I went to post it, some sort of computer virus attacked the picture and drew circles around my eyes with a big ol' magic marker and scribbled blotchy redness on my skin. Human-looking eyes and forehead courtesy of Rachel Weiss and PhotoStudio.
But of course I
do apply full-on Red Carpet makeup before walking the dog -in the dark- and -at 11:30 p.m.- every night. Yep. It's one of those things I do. Just like heels and pearls while I'm cooking dinner. And shaving my legs more than once a fortnight.
Mr. W. says it still looks dorky, no matter "who" is wearing it. All stand and present with the one-finger salute....
Labels: knitting

At 2/07/2007 3:24 PM, Kyla Nicole Babbled Back:
That picture is just disturbing... ~.^
The gaitor looks great, tho. Yer so smart!
At 2/11/2007 5:04 AM, Annie Babbled Back:
I need one of these! Taking the new puppy out every hour in sub-freezing temps for the last 3 weeks has given me a whole new perspective on attractive outdoor wear. Attractive = Warm. I think you've got both thee. And I've been taking my glasses off -- rather be blurry than foggy anytime.
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