Mr. W. Says, "Of Course!"
February 28, 2006
Okay, I just got the best laugh that I will probably have all week.
While catching up on some of my Yahoo! groups digests, I clicked on
Coarine's blog to see her finished Knitting Olympics project - a nicely done needle case. I decided to scroll down a bit in her posts and found the "
Which Muppet Are You?" test. These things always entertain me, whether it's a few seconds wondering "Who thinks of these things? or the mild chuckle when the "Which [fill in the blank] Are You? is so totally off base.
Well, ladies and gentlemen I am here to tell you, the Muppet Test was apparently written by the most insightful and/or spiteful person. Who'da thunk that five or six little questions could pin me down so precisely?
You Are Miss Piggy

A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift!Labels: babble

At 3/02/2006 9:55 AM, Becky Babbled Back:
Hi Tracy! I like your blog. It shows up mostly in place in MS Explorer, everything in place in Safari (Mac browser) and nothing in place in Firefox (also Mac?).
I had trouble when I first started mine. It worked right in some and not in others. I don't really know what you could do to fix it because Firefox (that's the browser I use most of the time) does not lay out your page right and there are no posts.
At 3/02/2006 9:57 AM, Becky Babbled Back:
I did this test last night. I am Rolf the dog and my DH is Scooter, Kermit's assistant. I love it. : )
At 3/02/2006 10:55 AM, Whit Babbled Back:
Your blog looks great! It doesn't go "wonky" for me. :O)
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